Alistair Jenkinson
Country Of Origin: United Kingdom
Degree: MSc Money, Banking and Finance, 2023
Actuarial Trainee, Sompo
Why did you choose to study at LUMS?
I was familiar with the quality of the teaching having already undertaken my bachelor's degree at Lancaster, so I knew it was the right fit for me.
What was the best thing about your course?
The variety of content enabled a large breadth of learning. Making friends with people from around the world was a highlight.
What inspired you most at LUMS and why?
In the current job market, gaining a postgraduate degree from a university with a good reputation and ranking was important for gaining employment in a competitive area.
Did you do a project, placement or study abroad? What did this involve and what did you gain?
The biggest project I undertook was my dissertation. This involved significant research and deepening of my analytical skills. My supervisor was particularly helpful during times when I was stuck.
Describe your time at LUMS in three words.
Interesting. Exciting. Memorable
What are your best memories of your time at Lancaster?
Living with friends along with meeting new people from across the world.
What are the best things about living in the Lancaster area?
It’s a student city, so has a great atmosphere during term time.
What impact did scholarships or funding have on your degree experience?
Given that I studied at Lancaster for my undergrad, I was eligible for a scholarship. This helped due to the limited postgraduate funds available from the Government.
Which parts of your Lancaster experience were the best preparation for your job?
Learning to be critical of data and willing to question anomalies.
What impact has your Lancaster experience had on your career?
I have learnt to be confident in nearly all settings. I am also better equipped to build rapport with new people. My coding skills have been put to use in the workplace too.