Portrait photograph of: Olivia Hogan

Olivia Hogan

Country Of Origin: United Kingdom

Degree: MSc Digital Business, Innovation and Management, 2022

IT Advisor, Shell

Why did you choose to study at LUMS?

I did my undergraduate at Lancaster and absolutely loved it. The quality of teaching at LUMS is outstanding. I felt really at home at LUMS and in Lancaster in general. I had considered other universities for my postgrad, but when the DBIM course was introduced, I knew it was right for me.

What was the best thing about your course?

Learning about a broad range of innovative technologies and how they can be applied in organisations. The assignments were also really interesting, for example, designing an app.

Who inspired you most at LUMS and why?

One of the careers coaches, Vicky Metcalf, was very inspiring. The other students on my course were also very inspiring, as many of them had previous job experience and had come back to study, whereas I hadn’t had the experience of properly starting my career yet, so learning about their experiences was super interesting.

Describe your time at LUMS in three words.

Inspiring, meaningful, fun.

What are your best memories of your time at Lancaster?

College events such as Extravs and Founders. Roses is also one of the best times of the year! In terms of my course, for my undergrad, one of my favourite things was that I could do Marketing with Psychology. Because I couldn’t pick between studying marketing or studying psychology, luckily, I could do them both together at Lancaster. For my DBIM masters, the work was very practical, which I enjoyed, such as scenario planning workshops. We actually 'did' and applied the theories we learnt.

What are the best things about living in the Lancaster area?

It is super safe, and all the students live in the same area. I could walk to all my friends’ houses in about 3 minutes!

Which parts of your Lancaster experience were the best preparation for your job?

I attended workshops and lectures in my DBIM Master's where I learned a lot about how organisations can apply different technologies to bring business value, which is a big part of my current role. Also, group work assignments prepare you really well for working in a team in the office.