Scott Jones
Country Of Origin: United Kingdom
Degree: PhD Marketing, 2022
Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of Birmingham
Why did you choose to undertake your PhD at LUMS?
LUMS has an outstanding reputation and my research proposal fitted with the broad themes of the marketing subject department at LUMS. I identified supervisors who had specialist expertise, knowledge and leading research that complemented my chosen area of research, and I was really keen to be supervised by them for my marketing PhD.
What was the focus of your doctoral research?
My doctoral research expanded and deepened the contextualisation of consumer escapism and recognises that personal experiences influence and impact on escapism as do more distant and remote events taking place in the wider world. The context for the research was a three-year micro-ethnographic study of consumers' binge-watching of TV shows. The research theorises how an escape can deliver outcomes that consumers may not necessarily expect.
How did you benefit from the research training offered at LUMS?
The research training and modules that are offered helped to develop my skills as a researcher, including data analysis and ethics training. I had exposure to innovative and alternative methodologies, and developed many professional skills, including the ability to articulate my research to a wider audience.
What/Who inspired you most at LUMS and why?
My two supervisors, Professor James Cronin and Professor Maria Piacentini. They were my biggest supporters. We would discuss the research and they constantly offered new perspectives. I undertook a PhD by publication, and they supported me through the revise and resubmit journal process, offering sage advice and drawing on their knowledge and experience. Their constant support and care were integral to my PhD success.
Describe your time at LUMS in three words.
Challenging, illuminating, rewarding.
What are your best memories of your time at Lancaster?
I have so many great memories of my time at Lancaster. The academic connections and research collaborations that I established are important for the future, and I was supported to attend and present my research at international conferences. I made friends along the PhD journey, and we regularly reminiscence about our time at LUMS. Importantly, I was made to feel welcome at Lancaster and although I was studying my PhD part-time, I was encouraged to join in with some of the social experiences - visiting the bars, taking in a movie, attending guest talks, and a trip to the Lake District.
Which parts of the Lancaster Experience were the best preparation for your job?
I chose to complete my PhD via the published works route and I was in the position of being a university lecturer, but without a PhD. A key advantage for me was being able to continue to research, with the aim of wanting to publish and continue with my lecturer/teaching role. Learning the craft of research, and successfully publishing in leading academic journals was important and has prepared me for my next role.
What impact has your Lancaster experience had on your career?
The experience of completing my PhD at Lancaster University has been life-changing. It has enabled me to foster collaborations with research colleagues at other world-class universities and to work with distinctive scholars in marketing who I utterly revere. More recently, I was successful in securing a position as an Assistant Professor in Marketing at The University of Birmingham.