Holger Beck
Country Of Origin: Germany
Degree: MSc International Management (IMPM), 2020
Vice President Technical Fleet Management, Eurowings Aviation
Why did you choose to do the IMPM?
I had just turned 50 years of age when I felt the need to brush-up and inspire my well-experienced and sometimes too full mind. But I was not looking for a program that just gives you more theoretical knowledge, more management tools, more input that you shelf right after the program is over, I was looking for a program that helps me to develop as a person, as a manager, as a leader. Something that really prepares, guides, and leads me through the next decade of leadership in a quickly evolving industry where technology leaps are huge, market changes are evident, but the people get out-of-focus.
What surprised you the most about the program?
I was not surprised by the content itself, but the way how all topics - most of them I had heard before – were carefully placed together creating the often referred to big picture by the end of the program. The module sequence Reflective Mindset > Analytical Mindset > Collaborative Mindset > Action Mindset > completed by the Worldly Mindset makes sense and was embedded in matching and supportive cross-cultural experiences.
What have you used most in your business life as a result of the programme?
My personal development has not been limited to myself. Thanks to the IMPact modules and Mini-IMPM modules which can easily be transferred to one’s own department and leadership team, I was able to take along a whole group of people on my, their, IMPM journey. We even conducted a workshop about being a Mindful Manager and afterwards made significant changes in how we act and cooperate as a group.
What did you learn about yourself?
The first module – the Reflective Mindset – was a real deep dive into my personality, my beliefs, my aspirations, why and how I am the way I am and how I can use this in an efficient and valuable way for my managerial work. This experience was further enhanced by creating a learning community all around the world. We all face similar challenges, and quite often a solution is readily available. You just have to see and recognize it. The IMPM network is a valuable source for this.
As the IMPM engages you with inspirations every single week for a period of 1.5 years followed by the preparation of the Major Paper, it is a program that is life-changing – professionally and personally. The insights I have gathered opened my mind, boosted my thoughts, and gave me the confidence of being prepared for the next leadership challenges lying ahead.
Your advice for future IMPM participants?
Consider that the IMPM demands a high investment of time and the willingness to immerse yourself into a world of collaborative as well as individual reflection and action. Learn from each IMPMer in the group while at the same time supporting the learning of others. I personally fully recommend the IMPM, with the note that you should be an experienced leader to draw the maximum benefit from it.