Serko Elyan
Country Of Origin: Netherlands
Degree: MSc International Business & Strategy, 2018
Global brand management team, Danone
Why did you choose to study at LUMS?
LUMS belongs to the top 1% of internationally ranked business schools. Furthermore, the prospect of studying in such an international environment were the main reasons for me to study at LUMS.
Describe your time at LUMS in three words.
International, inspiring and friends.
What are your best memories of your time at Lancaster?
My favourite weekend in Lancaster was the yearly sports competition with York University, called Roses. The atmosphere during that weekend together with the sunny weather made it an unforgettable moment.
What are the best things about living in the Lancaster area?
From Lancaster it is easy to travel to other cities, such as Glasgow and Edinburgh in the North. Whilst I really enjoyed campus life during the week, it is great to make some city trips with friends on the weekend.
Is there anything else about your LUMS experience that you'd like to share with us?
The time at LUMS went so fast, I made a lot of friends from all over the world and was able to learn from some of the best professors, allowing me to both deepen and broaden my skills and knowledge.