Faye Morrison
Country Of Origin: United Kingdom
Degree: BSc Marketing Management, 2017
Faye worked at Johnson and Johnson as a Commercial Marketing Trainee for her placement year.
I chose to study Marketing Management due to the placement year opportunity that it provided. I felt that a placement would enable me to gain valuable marketing experience and challenge me to push myself to see what I could achieve. The workplace opportunities are highly competitive and sought for, particularly in Marketing, so I wanted to take on any experience that I could in order to further develop my skills and stand out to the employer.
I worked on the Johnson’s Baby brand for the UK, Ireland and the Nordics. I have worked across both consumer and professional which provided me with a great insight into the marketing style dependant on two very different consumer groups. My projects have ranged from leading platform level initiatives across the UK & Ireland, designing and implementing a ‘baby themed’ meeting room and attending conferences influencing Midwives and Health Care professionals on the science and safety of our products. So it is safe to say that in this role you are constantly learning through new challenges and opportunities. The level of responsibility is very high and you are not treated like a student at any point which leads to great team involvement as you make a valid contribution to the brand which is something to be really proud of. There is a network of placements at J&J in the office which is great for social occasions, moral support and people to house share with.
My placement year has been so rewarding. I have enjoyed every day, all aspects of my role and the company which has led to me giving all that I can. I feel that I have got so much out of my time at J&J, I can see how much I have learnt about business, marketing and my career since I first started. It has helped me to understand all the different opportunities available to me within J&J alone and has inspired me to want to continue working for the company in the future. I enjoyed owning my own projects on my placement; the responsibility that I was given at J&J was fantastic. Although challenging, it was so empowering to lead national and global level campaigns. Walking into a Boots store to see your project on the shelves is so rewarding! I am really proud of my achievements and they will drastically improve my employability as a graduate.
I hope to apply my work ethic to my studies in my final year. Applying the time, energy and commitment that I have put into my work this year would be really benefit my university studies. Also, applying my business skills and knowledge will boost the standard of my work helping me to achieve my desired 2.1 or 1st. The skill that I have developed the most during my time on placement is my confidence and ability around data analysis. This is something that has always held me back but this year I faced this as an area for improvement and I now feel fully competent in data analysis which will benefit me next year in my studies.
LUMS’s sessions on “Preparing for Interview” and “The Workplace” sessions were really valuable as they provided an insight into what I should expect at a corporate interview and how to succeed. The careers team also opened my eyes to the different companies that I could apply to for Marketing and what each one offered. I had not considered Johnson & Johnson at first but the company came onto campus to conduct the mathematical testing, a really helpful and accessible way to begin the application process with them.