Moses Asiimwe
Country Of Origin: Rwanda
Degree: MSc International Business and Strategy, 2016
Financial Analyst, Rwanda Development Board
My rationale for choosing LUMS is basically two-fold. Firstly, I wanted an international exposure with a world class University as well as education that would open up my mind and act as a bridge for accessing different people with diverse backgrounds. Secondly, I wanted a course that would allow me to embrace business from an international perspective as well strategic options and decisions pursued by international organisations. My previous education was mainly from an African background and I needed to scale up my knowledge by learning new ways of doing things.
The experience I gained from MSc International Business and Strategy was priceless. I learned from world class professors, group projects, and discussions among others, all of which were a bridge for developing analytical skills. The World Economic Forum simulation module towards the end of the programme was vital in building my confidence and learning how the real business and economic world works. I was an important delegate for a day. Last but not least, a multi-cultural environment was vital in learning how different people do things.
My time at Lancaster was probably the most rewarding of all time. It was such a precious experience that I can barely begin to explain. What I can only say is that I learned a lot in the shortest time possible. From cooking, meeting new people, learning from the very best, missing my family and friends from very far, to producing high quality work.
I was fortunate enough to be a sole Commonwealth scholar at campus. This did not only provide me with the opportunity to study in the most academically valuable and respected country in the world but also pressurise me to work hard so that I intrinsically paid back my sponsors as well as my country.
The services from LUMS Careers Team were iconic in providing skills on how to set oneself from the cloud. Whether marketing myself digitally or physically, I benefited a lot from them.
After my studies at Lancaster, I resumed my work in Rwanda. I hope to use the knowledge learnt from LUMS to develop my country.
In March 2017, I began as a Financial Analyst at Rwanda Development Board. This is one of the places I have ever wanted to work at and this has only been possible after acquiring my master's degree at LUMS.