Christabel Webb
Country Of Origin: United Kingdom
Degree: BSc Marketing Management, 2016
Christabel worked with GlaxoSmithKline in Brentford for her placement year.
For me, undertaking a marketing placement at a leading consumer company, would provide the optimum environment to learn about marketing strategies used for global brands and how a global company operates. More importantly, it would equip me with key skills in adapting to a new working environment and building relationships with not only my team, but a wide range of people from across the business.
I undertook my placement in the GlaxoSmithKline’s (GSK) Shopper Science Lab (SSL), which is the most advanced shopper insight facility in the world. It uses state-of-the art shopper insight tools, and technologies, such as, eye tracking and virtual reality, to understand how, and why, shoppers make decisions and what influences their choices.
My main responsibilities included; using the latest eye tracking technology and advanced insight tools, to assist key retail clients and internal brand teams, such as, Boots, in developing new marketing strategies; demonstrating the Shopper Science Lab’s capabilities in tours for a wide range of internal business teams, and external retail clients; creating and launching the Shopper Science Lab’s monthly newsletter, which was distributed across GSK consumer healthcare, and Testing and conducting pilot studies of the latest technology and insight tools, and assisting in the launch of new category planning tools.
My placement year at GSK, has been an incredible experience, where I’ve enjoyed working on a wide range of exciting projects, which have greatly increased my confidence and understanding of marketing. My team have supported and guided me through all my work, which has enabled me to develop valuable skills that I can apply in my final year at Lancaster and for my future marketing career.
My favourite thing about placement, was the opportunity to be based in such a new, and world class facility. It was really interesting to understand how new advanced technology could be applied to shopper research and the marketing of consumer goods. It was also really interesting to learn about shopper psychology, and how we could influence shopper behaviour in-store.
LUMS careers team, helped me prepare for the GSK Assessment centre, by providing me with advice on how could to prepare for a presentation I was required to deliver. I also appreciated the support and resources from my academic department to help me prepare for my final year.
For my graduate role I am interested in applying to the graduate schemes of various FMCG companies, as I have really enjoyed the experience of working in a fast paced marketing environment, and feel that I have a good understanding of the marketing of global consumer brands.