Michael Stern
Country Of Origin: Austria
Degree: MSc Money, Banking and Finance, 2015
Management Consultant, Accenture
I chose to study at LUMS because Lancaster is highly ranked and well-reputed whilst providing aspiring postgraduates with great job prospects.
The MSc Money, Banking and Finance offers a mix of theoretical and practical knowledge in economics and finance and a deep understanding of the global economy and how banks perform. I enjoyed the highly interactive style of teaching. LUMS brings very famous personalities to give guest lectures on practical knowledge. Furthermore I really liked the diversity among the fellow students.
For me, everyday was very special in Lancaster. I really enjoyed representing LUMS at Deutsche Bank in London. Furthermore Freshers Week was very exciting, as I met so many different kinds of people in a very short period of time. My plans for the future are to gain further knowledge through post-Masters experience and afterwards gain a job in the banking sector.
Shortly after completing his Masters, Michael joined Accenture as a management consultant, working in financial services and risk management.