ACCENTED LETTERS ---------------- Messages on LuBBs can include accented letters. To enter an accented letter you need to type @ followed by the combination of keys that represents the accented letter you want to use from the list below as part of that word. For example, if you want to use a grave in a word you would enter @ followed by a`. If you are using LuBBs from a computer capable of displaying accented letters (in computer waffle terms, this is called an '8 bit' display) you can then view messages on LuBBs with them in. In order to do this you have to: 1) Set your computer to an 8 bit display. If you are using WinQVTNet you can do this by using the setup option to change the terminal setting to VT220-8. Please note, however, this may give your cursor keys strange effects! 2) Tell LuBBs you are using an 8 bit display. You can either do this by typing LuBBs -8 to logon to LuBBs or you can do it by typing A from the Main menu to get to the Alter menu, press C to alter character display and then press Y to confirm that you are using an 8 bit display (then press X to exit from the Alter menu to get back to the Main Menu) If you are not using an 8 bit display, then accented letters will be given with their character representations - the @ will not be displayed (all this does when you enter a message is tell LuBBs that there is an accented character coming next). (Warning: If you are not using an 8 bit display but you tell LuBBs you are then accented letters will be displayed as stray letters and words with them in won't make much sense!) The following accented letters are currently available. The character representation for the letter is given first (these must be preceded by @ when entering a message) followed by how the letter will appear when reading messages for the current display you are using (if you are in 8 bit mode as described above you will see these as accented letters). A` A` A' A' A^ A^ A~ A~ A" A" A@ A@ AE AE C, C, E` E` E' E' E^ E^ E" E" I` I` I' I' I" I" N~ N~ O` O` O' O' O^ O^ O~ O~ O" O" U` U` U' U' U^ U^ U" U" a` a` a' a' a^ a^ a~ a~ a" a" a@ a@ ae ae c, c, e` e` e' e' e^ e^ w" e" i` i` i' i' i" i" n~ n~ o` o` o' o' o^ o^ o~ o~ o" o" u` u` u' u' u' u^ u" @u"