THE YELLOW PAGES ---------------- The purpose of the Yellow Pages is to enable you to let other users know something about yourself. They will be seen when people search the user list using 'who's who' from the LuBBs main menu. You can put in anything you like so long as it does not break the general rules for messages (i.e. it shouldn't offend people who will read it). Please see the General Guidelines for LuBBs Usage help file for additional material on offensive language and behaviour. Humour is appreciated, but please don't put in anything to deliberately mislead people. How to Create a Yellow Pages Entry ---------------------------------- To create your yellow pages entry start from the LuBBs main menu. Here you type 'a' for the 'a'lter menu. From the alter menu type 'y' for 'Y'p entry. You have a maximum of 6 lines of 78 characters for your entry. This will bring up the LuBBs text editor where you can enter your yellow pages entry. Exit the editor as usual (see the Entering Messages into a Conference help file for additional information). This will take you back to the alter menu.