VOTING ------ The opinions of other users can be gathered in a conference by using the voting system provided by LuBBs. The vote is anonymous and there is only one vote per user regardless of how many times they have read the message. Each user can vote on the message at any time before the vote is 'closed'. Any user can 'open' a vote on a message so long as they are the originator of the message (or by the SysOp or a FairWitness). The voting figures will only be displayed to the originator of the message. Placing your vote ----------------- When a message has a vote option attached 'V'ote option will be available in the message menu and the text 'Voting is available on this message. Press V now to vote on it.' will be displayed at the top. You can vote for your choice by pressing 'v', followed by the appropriate letter corresponding to your choice. Opening/Closing a Vote ---------------------- In order to open a vote a message must first be created in the appropriate conference. Usually this includes some text with the options available to vote on. For example Should I go to the bar this evening? a) yes b) no c) Why aren't you there already? Before you press 's' for sending the message press 'h' for headers. This will give you the option to open the vote (by pressing 'v'). Alternatively you can send the message and then edit it through the message admin menu. Either method will bring up a message asking if you wish to open the vote and then how many nominations there are. There can be up to 26 nominations, occupying the 26 alphabetic keys of the keyboard. In the example given above there will be 3 nominations; A, B and C. You can check the result of the vote at any time by returning to the message and pressing 'V' in the message menu. This will show you the current result and will also ask if you would like to 'close' the vote. Type 'y' when you are ready close the vote otherwise type 'n'. When the vote is closed no more votes can be placed. If you accidentally close the vote go through the stages above to reopen it.