USING PAGES ----------- In addition to a users PRIVATE conference, individual and personal messages can be sent directly to a user by sending a 'page'. These will be presented to the user by interrupting their current task (unless they are writing a message, then the page is delayed until they have finished). How to Send a Page ------------------ To send a user a page you type 'p' in the LuBBs main menu or '/p' when you are in the 'talk' system (see help file). You will then be asked to type in the LuBBs user name of the person you wish to page. This will take you into the message editor where you can type your message. When you have finished type 'Esc' 'z' to quit the editor (this will be different if you have changed the default editor). You are then given 4 options to choose from, which are explained below (some are not displayed). Key Function --- -------- S Send the message to the user. R Re-edit the message to correct a mistake. C Check the spelling in your message. This will only bring up the words that are incorrectly spelt. You can then type 'r' to re-edit the message. A Abort sending the message if you no longer wish to send it. P Pipe to a command. ? Displays a brief summary of the commands available. In addition to an ordinary page you can send a quick, short page by using the Fast Page option (this gives you 3 lines maximum). To do this either type 'f' in the LuBBs main menu or '/f' when you are in the 'talk' system (see help file). How to Reply to a Page ---------------------- When another LuBBs user has paged you, you will receive a message near the bottom of your window that looks like the following (LUBBS USER would be replaced by the name of the person paging you). LUBBS USER is paging you. Accept, Ignore or Quit? A Key Function --- -------- A Accept the page so that you can read it. I Ignore the page and don't read it. Q Quit from LuBBs completely. This function if often required if you are nearing the end of your 90 minutes on LuBBs and you need to logout to save your session details. Once a page has been accepted you will be able to read it, after which you will be presented with the following options. Key Function --- -------- R Reply to the page. This will give you the option of including the text from the page sent to you, so that you can answer the different points. You can either type 'y' or 'n' to include the text. This will take you into the message editor described above in the section on how to send a page. F This will enable you to send a quick reply, without going through the message editor. This gives you 3 lines maximum. P Send the page to your PRIVATE conference where you can treat it as a normal message. This option will still allow you to reply to the page as a page, or you can exit. X Exit from the pager without replying to it. If someone logs off before you receive the page, you can still reply to it but you'll be informed that the person has logged off. In addition, you can reply to messages in a conference using a page by using a subject name of PAGE when replying. Finally, if you try to reply to a PRIVATE message while that person is logged on you will be asked whether you want it sent in a page instead, to which you can reply 'y' or 'n'. Guidelines for Paging Other Users --------------------------------- Please see the help files on General Guidelines for LuBBs Usage and Entering Messages into a Conference for additional points on paging users. However, we recommend that you are not an annoyance to the user you are paging. If the page were likened to a telephone call (irrespective of the initiator), then anything which could be classed as a nuisance phone call, would be classed as an annoyance.