CONFERENCE MESSAGE ADMIN MENU ----------------------------- These commands are only available to you if you are the author of the message being viewed. Key Function --- -------- H Headers to. This allows you to change the 'To:' line of a message. K Kill message. Deletes a message you've entered O Open (edit) the message. R Re-edit message. This reedits a message you've entered to correct something in the message. Please use it with caution as it doesn't make any sense to edit something after most people have read the message as they won't see the new content. S Alter the subject of the message. This allows you to change the 'Subject:' line of a message, to correct spelling or if you've entered the wrong subject etc. T Transfer message. Moves it to another conference if you've put the message in the wrong conference. V Allows you to open a vote on your message (See help file) X Exit Message Admin Menu and return to conference message menu ? Displays a brief summary of the commands available.