CONFERENCES ----------- Messages on LuBBs are organised into conferences. There are quite a few conferences covering a variety of subjects and not all of them may be of interest to you. You may decide which conferences you wish to subscribe/unsubscribe to. Initially you will be shown the last few messages in each conference, and if new conferences are later added, you will belong to these too. It is recommended that you read a new message in each conference before unsubscribing as not all conferences are about what you might expect from the title! There is also an Info File available for most conferences detailing the sorts of messages that go into that conference (press 'I' in the conference main menu). If you are sure you want to unsubscribe, you can do this by pressing 'U' in the conference main menu. If you later want to rejoin a conference, you can do this with the 'J' command in the LuBBs main menu. Some conferences can get a lot of messages in a day, e.g. TALK, such conferences will have a relatively short auto-delete time, where messages are deleted after a set amount of days to stop the LuBBs account getting full up. A record is kept of which messages you have read, and this is only saved when you logout from LuBBs. If you are cut off, or forcibly logged off, this record may be lost and you will have to read the messages again. Hidden Conferences ------------------ As well as the normal conferences, there are also hidden conferences for course based discussions or, where necessary, society based conferences, where discussion in a normal conference may be inappropriate. (e.g. PULSAR discussing 'unseen' episodes of SCI-FI programs). To obtain access to such conferences, you will need to contact the organiser of that conference. Usually only those users who do the course associated with the conference will be permitted access. Where is specified for the organiser, access can be arranged by contacting the SysOp or a FairWitness. The list of such conferences and organisers is: Conference Description Organiser ASSASSIN For those interested in playing Assassin. FORD PREFECT (A game in which you 'kill' other players.) JUGGLING For members of the Society of Lancaster JIM BOB University Jugglers. LUCS For members of the Lancaster University QUACKOWOTSIT Computing Society. LURPS For members of Lancaster University JACK FROST Role-playing Society. PULSAR For PULSAR discussions/or where WILLOW discussion of unseen sci-fi progs might annoy users. SECRET-FRENCH For users doing a French course. SECRET-HISTORY For users doing history. BIG-MOUSTACHE SECRET-MUSIC For those students doing music. HEDGEHOG ULMS For the Univ. Lancaster Music Society. HEDGEHOG