GENERAL LUBBS RULES ------------------- o The ISS Rules of Computer Use form part of the LuBBs Rules. See help file 2. o The ISS Code of Good Conduct also applies to LuBBs. See help file 3. o Additional rules, conditions and guidelines placed in separate files must also be observed. These additional files will deal with rules regarding aspects of LuBBs rather than general rules as given here. o The admin team reserves the right to restrict/ban any users which they believe have broken LuBBs ruling. o The SysOp and Witnesses reserve the right to examine logs (pages, talk etc) on which to assess situations, WHEN they arise. o The SysOp and other authorised persons may, when it becomes necessary, log in to another users account to correct any problems with that account. o LuBBs is used for both social and educational purposes. No distinction is made between the two. If a user breaks the rules, the users LuBBs account AS A WHOLE will be restricted, such that both posting to academic and social conferences is restricted. o No user shall attempt to gain unauthorised access or control of the LuBBs directory and files therein. o No user shall deliberately post materials that could cause the shutdown of the LuBBs system. e.g. Illegal Documents, Pornographic Material etc o No user is to allow his/her LuBBs account to be used by another user, nor is a user to use another persons LuBBs account to enter any messages, or to alter any of the settings of that account. Should a user have inadvertently left himself logged on, the only permitted 'use' of that account by another user is to log that person off LuBBs, and close any shells that person may have left running. o No user is to deliberately post messages for which a request to cease posting that kind of message has been given. o No user is to post messages on behalf of a read-only user (or other access level where message entry has been removed), without permission from the SysOp to do so. This also includes pointer messages and attached files. o No user shall repost any message sent to LIMBO, unless it is specified in the reason for transfer that it may be reposted (with alterations), or the user has obtained permission to repost the message (again with possible alteration), from a member of the admin team. o No person will enter messages with the intent of canvassing for candidates for posts in the university and its societies. Doing so gives the candidate an advantage over any candidates who do not use LuBBs. o Each user is responsible for: i) Logging himself in and out of the LuBBs system. ii) Ensuring that his/her LuBBs account is secure (e.g. passworded etc) iii) ALL messages entered from his/her account, whether by themselves, or another user. o No individual is to have more than one LuBBs account. Student 'Joe Bloggs' may be permitted two Unix accounts, but only one LuBBs account. It can be set up that the LuBBs account be used from any of a users Unix accounts. o The SysOp and Programmer reserve the right to use additional accounts for testing and general running of the LuBBs system. o When using LuBBs you are agreeing to abide by the above rules.