The Wisdom of Lubbs
"I'd give you real money, but I don't want to."
- Ms Anne Frope
"I'm surprised no-one has asked for a horizontal jogger yet"
- Mr Blue Sky
"It's also why a fulfilling, emotional, and sexually fulfilling
relationship between a man and, say, a hamster, isn't going to get the
rodent into the pudding club."
- Fortunato
"Clare, if I ever meet you, remind me not to talk to you"
- The Fluffmeister
"A non-existant sword is as much a sword as a sword that exists."
- Navarth
"Lubbs is the most active and arguably the *best* conferencing system around,
even if it _is_ frequented by various semi-literate heathen half-wits."
- Gordon Inkster, Inkytext
"We'll fight them on the steps, we'll fight them in the quads, and, by god,
we'll fight them through the revolving door... Power to the students."
- Ms Anne Frope
"I don't quite see how you -can- have a complete and loving
relationship without several of the integral factors, it's like making
an airfix plane without glue, when it comes to the first game of
soldiers the wings will fall off."
- Fortunato
[Quote deleted on request of author]
[Quote deleted on request of author]
"I don't see anything immoral in deception."
- Meursault
"Reading Meursault is like having a crap - tiresome, a strain at times
but oh! what a release when you've finished!"
- Navarth
"[T]he inyer face tactics and the rest of it would be
tolerable if there were not everywhere you looked."
- Robo Case
"At least a poodle made from condoms is better than a condom made from
- Mr Blue Sky
"[L]ubbs is like a zen experience - a sorbet for the mind"
- Sven Nogson
"You are offering the 'Back to the Future' films as PROOF of a major
physical theory? How post-modern."
- The Librarian
"I am not at all convinced we should have given women the vote, from a
purely practical perspective."
- Intensity
[Quote deleted on request of author]
"However I do not recommend you drive onto the cricket pitch and
park at one wicket in order to test your eyesight."
- Mr Blue Sky
"We could detonate two Uni departments, and not look at one of them. If
they both blow up, then the theory doesn't work."
- Dr Volcano
"There is no such thing as an individual so thinking for myself is
- Red Deathy
"A baby is for life, not just a good hard s(no)g"
- Hunky Chunky Almond
"I think that friends should take priority; sexual partners come and go."
- Desmond Wrist
"I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want.
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna..
I really really really wanna phenomenological method, which endorses
careful description of consciousness as the philosophical starting
point, as opposed to metaphysical deductions and presuppositions which,
one supposes, have nothing to do with experience."
- Nipplethorn
"Now what separates the mentally ill from the not so is well the fact
they are mentally ill."
- Pippin
"Tonight on Desert Island Discs we have Barry Rowlingson. Barry, your
first choice was Red Hat's remix of Linux, what part of this work do
you feel most passionate about?"
- Nocturnal
"Time to do what I always do in times of national tragedy...
... resubscribe to alt.tasteless.jokes."
- Mr Blue Sky
"I don't care what level of debate you expect from me
who needs to be rational with queers".
- Morriss
"I am not censoring their right to free speech, there's only so many posters
I can tear down"
- Fluffy Fluoronauts
"Quantum physics is about being accurate about uncertainty, all other
physics is about being uncertain about accuracy."
- Mr Blue Sky
"Welcome to Student Apathy. Please take a seat. Nothing will be happening
- Archangel
"[N]o person deserves salvation no matter how god they have been"
- Ring of Fire
"I should be horsewhipped. It's the only language I understand."
- Ron Shelf
"Tatchell and the Mail have a lovely relationship. He gets lots of coverage
for his views, and the mail get a story to make Middle England choke on
their boiled eggs."
- Anna O.
"I'm not popular...people just need someone to spout crap at"
- Fuzzy Duck
"I got some stuff from the net, so we know what we
are talking about"
- Grugnog
"In Wales cottaging normally means burning them down..."
- Goat Boy
"I tend to find the getting-over process is
easier if I start the minute I fall for someone ..."
- Chandler
"To imagine that a cock-up on this level and of that nature could
actually be a deeply subtle and pre-planned plot is to ascribe to
someone a level of machiavellian intelligence and secret organisation
that has never been apparent in our or any other university
- Voltaire
"[I]n the real world sometimes you have to put your pen and paper to one
side, pick up your placard, and beat someone to death with it."
- Binky Smirnov Hubbs
"It is possible for one to repeatedly lick the portion of the table top that
one wishes to use the mouse upon. Depending on what one has last eaten, this
may add traction sufficient to use a mouse."
- Archangel
"No man is an island, but some of us are only connected to the
mainland by a causeway that floods at high tide"
- Mr Blue Sky
"You wait ages for a BusCam web page and then two come along at once..."
- Mr Blue Sky
"Incredible - you have a high-horse for each occasion."
- Archangel
"A moderator is for LIFE, not just for LIMBO."
- Chainsaw Vigilante
"I am not arrogant, merely confident in my own abilities. One
instinctively knows whether one will be a great lover or not, by one's
mindset, the desire to please being as strong as the desire to be
- Adonis
"Men are from Tandy, Women are from Dulux"
- Dr Jones
"I tend not to pick fights with 48 million people simultaneously.
However, if you would care to form an orderly queue, I will see what I
can do."
- Goat Boy
"Never use a computer language thats older than you are."
- Mr Blue Sky
"The youth of today wouldn't know an HTML
tag if it jumped up and <BLINK>'ed at them..."
- Dr Jones
"reality sux, I'd much rather live in my head"
- Dr Jones
"[M]ine is a poem about tragedy, loss and the endless sadness of
letting go of an old friend. The fact that that old friend happens to
be a shirt has nothing to do with it."
- Magenta
"If a man puts a tea cosy on his head in a room on his own and nobody is there
to see it, does he really make a fool of himself?"
- Mr Blue Sky
"Sorry, I was thinking of a different Hitler."
- Art Vandelay
"All admin take part in a dark ritual which joins their minds into
one consciousness, giving up their souls and their individuality, just to
achieve that extra level of otherwise unreachable inhuman consistency."
- Mordred
"[I]f we all went around killing ourselves we'd all be dead"
- Persephone