Date: Sunday, 11 October, 1998 - 12:08 AM
Subject: The 30 BBS commandments
1. Thou shalt love thy BBS with all thy heart and all thy bytes.
2. Thou shalt remember thy name and thy password.
3. Thou shalt speaketh to the SysOp thy real name.
4. Thou shalt not POST IN ALL CAPS!
5. Thou shalt Honor thy SysOp.
6. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's password, nor thy neighbor's real
name, computer, software, nor any other thing of thy neighbor's.
7. Thou shalt only call a BBS two times a day.
8. Thou shalt not post messages that are stupid, worthless, or have no
meaning, lest thee be deemed a fop.
9. Thou shalt use the English language properly so that thee may be
deemed wise.
10. Thou shalt spell thy words correctly. Amen.
11. Thou shalt delete thine own mail.
12. Thou shalt delete thine ancient mail.
13. Thou shalt help other users so that thee may be deemed a friend.
14. Thou shalt not post anonymously when offering criticism.
15. Thou shalt keep thy foul language to thyself lest thee be forever
16. Thou shalt not occupy thy BBS with thine arguments, for Verily, I say
unto thee that thou shalt maketh thyself the charlatan.
17. Woe be unto the user who attempteth to crash thy BBS, for such shall
be cast out from the sanctuary of thy hobby and must repent by doing
40 mega-days and 40 mega-nights of penance in voice-only
18. Thou shalt first dial BBS number during the day by way of voice line
to assure correct numbers.
19. Thou shalt not post other user's real names.
20. Thou shalt not post messages after imbibing excessively of ale.
21. Thou shalt confine thy messages to those of friendship, requests for
assistance, aid to the needy, advice, and advancement of thy hobby;
yea, and thou art obligated to repel any who wouldst transgresseth
upon these commandments.
22. If thou doth promise to reply to a message and thou doth not, then
surely thou shalt spill liquid into thy keyboard and shorteth out thy
central processing unit.
23. Thou shalt not giveth any false information when applying for
membership to thy BBS, for Verily it is Written that whosoever shall
do so will surely be found out and thy welcome on all boards will be
thus be denied forever and ever.
24. Thou shalt log on properly and in accordance with thy SysOp's wishes.
25. Thou shalt observeth BBS time limits.
26. Thou shalt not upload "worm" or "trojan" or "virus-ed" programs. Amen
and Amen, for to do so wilt bringeth foul curses upon thee and thine,
thy children, and thy children's children yea unto the 7th generation.
So shalt it be.
27. Thou shalt not ask stupid questions that art already fully explained
in BBS bulletins and instructions.
28. Thou shalt not exchangeth commercial software thru thy BBS.
29. Thou shalt not violate any applicable state/federal/local laws and
regulations affecting BBS telecommunications, or thee will face the
wrath of thy judicial system.
30. Thou shalt not hack.