A student having a breathing mask fixed to her face

Choosing Lancaster for Sports and Exercise Science

Sports and Exercise Science at Lancaster

Choosing Sports and Exercise Science at Lancaster University is choosing one of the very best programmes of its type in the UK. We offer an academic Sports and Exercise Science degree that allows specialisation in both eilte performance and public health settings. We are a young, ambitious programme: We want to to train the Sports Scientists of the future. We want to train you.

Welcome to Sports and Exercise Science

Dr Chris Gaffney is Director of Admissions for Sports and Exercise Science. In this short presentation, he talks about the programme and what you would study if you were to choose Lancaster. He shares what makes our approach special and how we set our students up for success in the future.

Talk to a current student

If you would like to chat with a current student, you can message our Faculty Instagram and one of our student ambassadors will get back to you, or you can reach out via the university online chat.

Our students show you Sports and Exercise Science's focus on people - in sports and beyond, how they are supported and nurtured by our academic team, and how studying at Lancaster has given them the confidence to take their studies wherever they want.

The confidence to take your studies wherever you want

As they come to the end of their time at Lancaster, our students come together to deliver a joint project on communication in science.

Our students tell us that they grow so much in confidence over the course of thier studies with us. A Sports and Excercise Science degree from Lancaster Uniiversity will give you not only the hard skills of a trained Sports Scientist, but it will also give you tremendous transferable skills. Communication, presentation, critical thinking, academic and other writing skills. We aim to set our students up so they can take their studies wherever they want.