Admissions data

This data has been produced for the Admissions cycles 2020-2024 to help you understand the competition for places on the medical degree programme, and your likelihood of being called for interview, being made an offer or becoming a student.

Medicine and Surgery (A100)- UK

Year of entry 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Number of applications 677 727 894 1009 1004
Interview places available 430 513 418 353 587
Number of offers made 292 268 174 174 261
Placed from reserve list 0 0 9 36 9
Number of students enrolled 146* 157** 125 125 126

For 2020 entry, applicants were categorised into UK/EU and International, with EU applicants considered alongside UK applicants. This means that a number of the UK applicants above were resident in the EU, and would now be considered as International.

*Due to the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic and impact on achieved A level grades, additional places were made available by the Department for Education and Department of Health and Social Care for 2020 entry only.

**Following Government guidelines for the 20/21 admissions cycle, applicants who missed their A Level grades at confirmation in August 2021 had their offer to study with us reinstated.

Medicine and Surgery (A100)- International

Year of entry 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Number of applications 190 243 331 261 264
Interview places available 20 28 35 28 19
Number of offers made 6 5 8 6 6
Placed from reserve list 1 0 0 0 0
Number of students enrolled 4 1 3 4 3

An applicant's fee status is not confirmed until the point of interview, and so this likely shows an over-representation of International applicants.

Medicine and Surgery with a Gateway Year (A104)

Year of entry 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Number of applications n/a 187 208 182 106
Number of eligible applications n/a 110 109 88 53
Interview places available n/a 43 47 42 34
Number of offers made n/a 18 21 18 23
Placed from reserve list n/a 7 7 9 9
Number of students enrolled n/a 15 15 14 14

This was a new programme introduced in 2021. As such, we do not have any data relating to 2020 entry for this course.

Applicants placed from the reserve list includes a number of applicants to A100 who were made alternative offers on results day based on their achieved grades.