Final exams
You will sit your final examinations at the end of Year 4, allowing you to focus on preparation for clinical practice in the apprenticeship-style Year 5.
After completing your final examinations at the end of year four, you will spend four weeks on your Elective placement. You will arrange and fund your Elective yourself, with advice and guidance from Lancaster Medical School. Your Elective is an opportunity to broaden your clinical experience and participate in healthcare delivery in a different setting.
You may choose to spend your Elective in another country, learning how different cultural, social and environmental factors influence healthcare delivery outside the UK. Alternatively, you may choose to spend your Elective in the UK, to explore a particular speciality in more depth, for instance working within a tertiary care centre.
Intercalated degree
Between Years 4 and 5 of the MBChB programme, you will have the option to take a year out from your studies to complete an intercalated degree. Intercalation provides you with an opportunity to study a subject related to medicine at greater depth or engage in academic research for a year.
If you decide to complete an intercalated degree, you will suspend studies on the MBChB programme for a period of twelve months whilst you undertake studies for a BSc, an MSc, an MRes or an MPhil degree. You will then return to the MBChB programme at the beginning of Year 5.