Professor Neil Reeves
Professor of Secure Health TechnologiesProfile
Neil Reeves is Professor of Secure Health Technologies based in the Medical School at Lancaster University. His research is focussed on digital health technologies and cyber security. He has a strong track-record of research with digital medical devices, particularly in diabetes where he led the first proof-of-concept clinical trial showing the efficacy of smart pressure-sensing insoles for diabetic foot ulcer prevention, published in the Lancet Digital Health. Neil also led one of the first clinical trials showing the efficacy of vibrating insoles for improving gait and balance published in Diabetes Care.
Neil is currently leading the EPSRC-funded ‘Socksess’ project developing smart-sensing socks for diabetic foot ulcer prevention. He co-developed (with Prof. Moi Hoon Yap) a novel Artificial Intelligence-driven mobile app (FootSnap-AI) for diabetic foot screening and monitoring and won the Oracle Innovator Accelerator Grant to scale-up and translate this towards clinical practice with industry partners.
Neil has led externally funded research supported by UK and international funding bodies including the National Institutes of Health (USA), EPSRC and Diabetes UK. He works across the health technology sector with medical technology companies to progress health solutions and sits on scientific committees including EPSRC’s Healthcare Technology strategic advisory team, Innovate UK’s Innovation Accelerator and Medical Charity Scientific Committees (Great Foundations).
He is on the Editorial Board for several journals and serves an expert assessor and Scientific committee panel member for major UK and international funding bodies. He has published ~170 papers in international peer-reviewed journals (ORCID: 0000-0001-9213-4580) and has an ‘H-Index’ of 50 (Scopus).
External Roles
Scientific Committee & Funding Panel Membership
- EPSRC Strategic Advisory Team panel member – Healthcare Technologies.
- Scientific Committee panel member, Great Foundations (medical charity focussing on foot and lower limb health).
- Advisory panel member - Innovate UK GM Innovation Accelerator.
- UKRI and EPSRC peer review college member.
Journal Editorial Roles
- Guest Editor for a special issue of Sensors journal: ‘Saving Limbs and Lives – Sensing and Monitoring Technologies for the Diabetic Foot’. May 2022 – November 2023.
- Section Editor (Biomechanics and Motor Control) for the European Journal of Sport Science, October 2018 – 2022.
- Editorial Board Member for the journal Gerontology (Technology section), September 2017 – 2023.
- Associate Editor for BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, September 2010 – December 2017.
- Lead Guest Editor for a Special Issue of the Journal of Aging Research, on: ‘Aging and Type 2 Diabetes: Consequences for Motor Control, Musculoskeletal function and whole-body movement’. September 2011-March 2013.
- Associate Editor for a Special Issue of the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, on: ‘The role of podiatry on the prevention of falls in older people’. November 2012 – August 2013.
Expert Reviewer for External Funding Bodies
UK funding bodies:
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC); Medical Research Council (MRC); Biotechnology and Biosciences Research Council (BBSRC); National Institute of Health Research Invention for Innovation (i4i) & Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB); Innovate UK; Arthritis Research UK; Diabetes UK; Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation; Dunhill Medical Trust; Rosetrees Trust; Orthopaedic Research UK.
International funding bodies:
India Alliance DBT Wellcome; The Royal Society of New Zealand (Marsden Fund); Swedish National Space Board; Romanian National Research Council; Swiss National Science Foundation; PSI Foundation Canada; Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research; National Medical Research Council Singapore.
External Examiner Roles
External examiner - Ph.D. degrees
- University of Nottingham, UK.
- Griffith University, Queensland, Australia.
- University of Glasgow, UK.
- University of Galway, Ireland.
- Amsterdam University Medical Centre, Netherlands.
- Loughborough University, UK.
- University of Vienna, Austria.
- Brunel University, UK.
- Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Salford University, UK.
- Leeds Beckett, UK.
- University of Groningen, Netherlands.
- Liverpool John Moores, UK.
- University of Cumbria, UK.
External Examiner - Taught Courses
- 2018 – 2023: University of Galway - MSc in Exercise Physiology and its Application in Therapy.
- 2019 – 2024: Staffordshire University – MSc Clinical Biomechanics; PGCERT Clinical Biomechanics; PGDIP Clinical Biomechanics; Individual Modules Sport (PG).
DCQ:SL: FeetSee: Foot temperature and diabetic foot ulcer risk: Using the FeetSee device to generate a unique foot temperature dataset.
17/02/2025 → 30/04/2026
Antimicrobial Bionanocomposite Biomaterials for Wound Healing (Assem Kaliyeva)
14/01/2025 → 13/11/2025
DCQ: Digital Health: 'Socksess' - Smart Sensing Socks For Monitoring Diabetic Feet And Preventing Ulceration
17/06/2024 → 31/10/2025
DCQ: Improving Diabetic Foot Ulcer Offloading: A Pilot Study on the Impact of Removable Cast Walker Design Factors on Usability
17/06/2024 → 31/05/2025
DCQ: REAL PRETECTION - Preventing diabetic foot ulcers using real-time foot pressure monitoring and alert technologies
17/06/2024 → 30/09/2025
Feetsee study - Foot temperature and diabetic foot ulcer risk: Using the FeetSee device to generate a unique foot temperature dataset
17/06/2024 → 16/06/2027
- Experimental Medicine