Dr Amarachukwu Nwosu
Senior Clinical LecturerResearch Overview
Dr Nwosu is a Senior Clinical Lecturer in Palliative Care at Lancaster Medical School. Dr Nwosu is also the research lead for Research lead (Marie Curie Hospice Liverpool) and a former Research Scholar for the (National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) North West Coast Clinical Research Network (CRN)). Clinically, Dr Nwosu works as an Honorary Consultant in Palliative Care at the Royal Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Dr Nwosu’s PhD project involved the use of bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to evaluate hydration in advanced cancer. For this work, he was awarded the 2014 Twycross Research prize of the UK Association for Palliative Medicine and received joint 3rd place for the Early Researcher Award of the European Association of Palliative Care (EAPC). He also won the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) conference prize on two occasions (2012 and 2014).
Dr Nwosu’s research interests include (1) the evaluation of technology to support care for patients with advanced disease and (2) the use of clinically assisted hydration to manage symptoms. Dr Nwosu is the podcast Editor for the ‘Palliative Medicine’ journal (SAGE Publications). In 2020 Dr Nwosu was awarded the Churchill Fellowship. In this Fellowship Dr Nwosu will travel to the Netherlands and the USA to research digital health innovations in palliative care.
Developing and refining a virtual reality intervention that will help to manage pain for people living with advanced cancer
01/09/2024 → 30/11/2025
Developing and refining a virtual reality intervention that will help to manage pain for people living with advanced cancer
01/06/2024 → 31/08/2025
Palliative Care, Design and Technology
01/04/2023 → 31/03/2024
DSI: Horizon Europe: 4D PICTURE: Design-based Data-Driven Decision-support Tools: Producing Improved Cancer Outcomes Through User- Centred Research
01/10/2022 → 30/09/2027
Development of ‘use-cases’ for a digital palliative care bereavement service.
01/03/2022 → 31/08/2022
Developing palliative and end-of-life care research partnerships and capacity in the North West Coast of England
01/01/2022 → 30/06/2023
How can technology be used to support communication in palliative care beyond the COVID-19 pandemic?
01/01/2021 → 30/06/2021
Connect and Inspire event for new Churchill Fellows. The Churchill Fellowship, London.
Invited talk
My Churchill Fellowship: Artificial intelligence and design in palliative care – implications for practice. Marie Curie Research Conference, online
Oral presentation
Hospice Uk National Conference 2023
Participation in conference - Academic
Artificial Intelligence and emerging technologies in palliative and end of life care –opportunities and challenges?
Invited talk
Development of ‘use-cases’ for a digital palliative care bereavement service
Invited talk
Non-invasive technology to assess hydration status and symptoms in dying people with advanced cancer.
Oral presentation
Technology in palliative care workshop
Oral presentation
Death, dying and the metaverse
Oral presentation
School visit to St Patrick's Primary School
Oral presentation
12th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC)
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
St. Ann's Hospice and Stockport Foundation Trust Specialist Palliative Care Conference
Invited talk
4th Annual Scholl Academic Research Symposium
Invited talk
Futurism in palliative care
Oral presentation
Technology to improve palliative care.
Invited talk
The development of a palliative care journal club to improve clinical care in a hospice through evidence-based practice.
Oral presentation
Technology in Palliative Care - North-West Palliative Care Physicians Group.
Invited talk
Early career experience talk to prospective medical sctudents at Lancaster Medical School
Oral presentation
Conference chair for 2020 Marie Curie Palliative Care research conference
Oral presentation
Churchill Fellowship
Prize (including medals and awards)
The Pol Roger award from the Churchill Fellowship
Prize (including medals and awards)
International Observatory on End of Life Care
- Interdisciplinary network in culture, health, ethics and society
- International Observatory on End of Life Care
- Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre
- LIRA - Biomedical