Selected projects

  • TAS-S: EPSRC Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Node in Security

    TAS-S, is the security node of the EPSRC’s Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS) programme. Bringing together a multi-disciplinary team of researchers and practitioners, TAS-S aims to develop a portfolio of fundamental security techniques to provide practical and scientifically rigorous principles for provisioning secure Autonomous Systems.

  • Multi-scale Modelling - The Faraday Institute

    This project brings together world-leading battery experts with a broad set of skills to build the critical bridge between science and engineering, working innovatively alongside UK industry to deliver impact. The team is creating new methodologies and techniques to measure electrolyte properties, characterise the 3D structure of cells and parameterise models. The project is delivering a portfolio of exceptional, world-leading research of strategic importance for the UK. The first challenges to be tackled include fast charging of batteries, low-temperature operation and thermal management of cells within battery packs.