Multilingualism & Cognition

A row of faces painted in the colors of various national flags, celebrating the European Day of Lang

About us

The Multilingualism and Cognition Research Group welcomes staff and students interested in the cognitive and neural bases underpinning multilingualism.

To join, please contact the co-directors of the group, Professor Patrick Rebuschat or Professor Jason Rothman. To participate in our events, please join our mailing list.

County Main Exterior, students on bench

Core Faculty

Patrick Rebuschat

Professor Patrick Rebuschat

Professor of Linguistics and Cognitive Science

Language Learning Research Lab, Multilingualism and Cognition Research Group, Research Group in Cognitive Linguistics

Jason Rothman

Professor Jason Rothman

Professor in Psycholinguistics

Brain and Bilingual Experience Lab (BaBEL), Multilingualism and Cognition Research Group

Fatih Bayram

Dr Fatih Bayram

Senior Research Associate

+44 (0)7564 774166
Aina Casaponsa

Dr Aina Casaponsa

Lecturer in Language, Cognition and Neuroscience

Brain and Bilingual Experience Lab (BaBEL), Research Group in Cognitive Linguistics

Silke Brandt

Research Group in Cognitive Linguistics


  • Brain and Bilingual Experience Lab (BaBEL)

    The Brain and Bilingual Experience Lab (BaBEL) is the EEG lab of the Department of Linguistics and English Language. Our facilities enable and facilitate research by staff and students into the neural basis of language and cognition.

  • Language Learning research lab

    The Language Learning Research Lab is a cross-departmental initiative with Linguistics and English Language and Psychology. Staff and students associated with the lab investigate the cognitive and neural basis of language learning and processing.



The Department has outstanding research resources. We have fully equipped laboratories for eye-tracking, phonetics, EEG (Electroencephalography), and child language analysis. Undergraduate students, postgraduate students, and staff use these facilities for various research projects.

Research Facilities
students in seminar
