Evolving accents: unravelling the mysteries of sound change

Thursday 5 December 2024, 6:00pm to 8:00pm


FAR - Faraday LT - View Map

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If you stepped into a time machine and travelled to England 500 years ago, the voices around you would be almost unrecognisable. In this talk, we'll examine the science of how and why accents change, shaping the way we speak today.

If you stepped into a time machine and travelled to England 500 years ago, the voices around you would be almost unrecognisable. In this talk, we'll examine the science of how and why accents change, shaping the way we speak today. We'll go deep into this mystery, spanning physical shifts in the speech organs, the brain dynamics that underpin accent change, and how we can track accent variation across thousands of people. By understanding these patterns, we gain insights into the dynamic nature of language and how our voices connect us to our past and to each other. Join us to uncover the hidden forces shaping the way we speak.

Contact Details

Name Sam Kirkham


Directions to FAR - Faraday LT

Faraday Lecture Theatre is located in the north of campus