Karen Lloyd

Future Places Research Associate

Research Overview

I'm a researcher and writer in residence with Lancaster's Future Places Centre, having completed my doctoral thesis in Creative Writing here in 2021. My reseach was published as a book of literary essays addressing the theme of abundance, restoration and repair in the natural world, under the title Abundance: Nature in Recovery, published by Bloomsbury and longlisted for the Wainwright Prize, 2022. The essays resulted from field research in England, Scotland, the Carpathian mountains, the Netherlands and Extremedura in Southern Spain.

Other essays have been published by Goldsmith's Press, The Ecologist, Dark Mountain and in Spectulative Nature Writing: An Anthology, on LitHub and others. My poetry has been published by Wayleave Press, and on various online platforms.

I currently teach part time on Lancaster's Creative Writing MA, as a tutor with the Arvon Foundation and for Lancaster's Litfest.

Inside the Rockpool Shrimp there is a Dying Star
02/09/2024 → 16/09/2024

Natural Kendal
01/12/2023 → …

The Right to Roam - For Whom and for What?
01/01/1900 → …

Activism for nature
Invited talk

Writing the Environmental and Nature Essay short course for LitFest Lancaster
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

Nature Writing week
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

Future Places Centre Environment Season

A Short Environmental and Cultural Journey in Morecambe Bay
Invited talk

Participation in conference - Academic

  • Cultures
  • Practices