Digital Physical
We will position the library where there is no separation between digital and physical, inhabiting and engaging across both spaces.
Achieving our vision
Examples of how we are addressing the Digital Physical theme within our vision and our future plans.
Tab Content: Academic year 2021-22
- Created a leisure reading area and refurbished the Library PG space, increased digital capabilities including a digital studio, hybrid research and events spaces, digital screens and pop-up library equipment.
- Undertook significant work to improve layout and signage for print collections while extending electronic resource collections, including extensive primary source collections, Overdrive leisure reading collections and Cyber Security resources.
- Established Supported Learning area as a base for Learning Development and Faculty Librarian provision, extended hybrid teaching and learning offer, including for PG students. Launched the Library Information Literacy Programme.
- Installed the SafePod and extended open research provision, improving workflows for open access with Jisc Publications Router.
- Developed extensive library and learning development presence on the student portal and redeveloped the library website. Created a range of high-quality online teaching and learning tutorials and resources in partnership with students.
- Launched the Lancaster Digital Collections platform, added new collections and partnered with researchers to establish new research collections. Extended access to and increased discoverability of our Special Collections and Archives.
Tab Content: Academic year 2022-23
- Grew our Digital Collections including strategic investment in several new digital archives.
- Successfully relocated our print journals to C Floor to allow the development of our basement areas and the Archives Research Centre.
- Launched Lean Library and developed our subject guides.
- Launch LinkedIn Learning.
- Appointed a Library Digital Skills Developer and delivered additional tutorials.
- Appointed a Special Collections and Archives Manager
- Relocated our maps collection and created a summer intern project to extend and enhance our digital maps collection.
Tab Content: Academic year 23/24
- Undertake a further Thesis digitisation project.
- Improve discovery of and access to our resources, e.g. through Implementation of Primo VE and Rapido.
- Continue building development, including improvements to the layout of the print history collection and further work to promote access to and engagement with maps collection.
- Explore the use of technology within the Library space for both user experience and to inform the development of the space and service.
- Extend use of digital studio and create a library video and podcasting suite.
- Undertake a LinkedIn Learning embedding project to support use by students and staff.
- Launch the Archives Research Centre, prepare for relocation of the Special Collections and Archives to the lower ground floor, and create a Special Collections and Archives vision that describes our approach to developing, managing and promoting engagement with SCA.
- Extend our online learning resources, and further develop the Library Information Literacy Programme, creating an evidence-based pathway and developing online presence through Moodle and online tutorials.
Stories from our Vision
To illustrate the work we have done towards achieving our Library Vision, we will be highlighting stories from our work towards this strategy in 2025 across thematic areas. Each month we will be selecting a new theme relating to our vision and highlighting stories and case studies of our work in this area.
Stories from our 2025 Vision