Connected Connector
We will be a thriving, dynamic and people-focused library that brings our communities together to co-curate, co-create and share knowledge that leads to greater understanding, insight and innovation.
Achieving our vision
Examples of how we are addressing the Connected Connector theme within our vision and our future plans.
Tab Content: Academic year 2021-22
- Introduced a library community card, providing free access for all and established a Glocal collection with the Lancaster Black History Group, our first community collection.
- Introduced the Systematic review conversations series of talks, Teams community, hybrid drop-in support and a regional staff development event to staff and student researchers.
- Worked in partnership with Educational Development and with several academic departments on activities to address priorities including feedback literacy, academic integrity and awarding gaps. Contributed to Education and UG research conferences.
- Developed vision and exploratory use of library research labs. Established N8 group for Associate Directors with research responsibility. Launched a digital collections consortium with Universities of Cambridge and Manchester.
- Established partnerships with a range of local community groups, including Lancaster Makerspace, Lancaster Sewing Café, Global Link, East Meets West, Lancaster Black History Group.
- Hosted conferences, events and the Library festival.
Tab Content: Academic year 2022-23
- Partnered with the University of Cumbria and Global Link, developing links with refugee and asylum seeker communities, and creating the sanctuary community collection.
- Contributed to university TEF submission, Curriculum Transformation Project, and academic integrity group.
- Appointed an Information Specialist (Systematic Review) to further our support for Systematic Reviews.
- Developed a programme of exhibitions, events and activities that encouraged people to connect and support wellbeing including:
- Events over the Christmas and Easter vacations.
- Mental Health Week for both staff and students.
- Home from Home events in the evenings and weekends.
Tab Content: Academic year 23-24
- Engage with our students and academic communities, through our teaching, and by contributing to University educational priorities, such as the Curriculum Transformation Programme, assessment design and feedback literacies, academic integrity and artificial intelligence.
- Continue support for the Undergraduate Research Conference and the Education Conference
- Extend and enhance provision for systematic literature review, continuing with SR conversations and establishing a service offer.
- Promote Community membership and extend range of benefits, for example re-introduce ’walk in user access’
- Continue to develop support for refugee and asylum seeker communities and seek to establish a community of practice.
- Undertake a community research and engagement project in partnership with students to uncover the heritage of the British jukebox.
- Reach new communities and share stories with a Library TikTok channel, blog and podcasts.