Image of student ambassadors in the Library on an Open Day talking to guests.

Students as Partners

At the heart of the library’s vision ‘The Library Towards 2025’ is our ambition to be a library that is connected, that goes beyond providing just a service and a building and to work in partnership with all our Lancaster University communities, which includes providing students with opportunities to work with the library and have a central role in its development. We have developed a ‘students as partners approach’, employing undergraduate and postgraduate students to:

  • Ensure the student voice is embedded in all the Library and Learning Development does;
  • Co-create services, activities and spaces;
  • Increase graduate employability and academic performance; and
  • Provide paid employment for students on campus.

There are a number of schemes available, which are advertised through the Employment Recruitment Service (ERS) and other schemes at various times of the year, which include:

Library Student Ambassadors

The library employs four students as Library Ambassadors, who work with library and learning development colleagues on projects and groups across the academic year. They are the first point of call for visitors on the undergraduate open days and offer-holder days, providing library tours and answering questions, and are also work in partnership with library colleagues on a variety of projects and initiatives. These include organising Library Welcome Week activities, wellbeing events, EDI and recognition events, school and college engagement activities, our social media team and teaching and learning focused events. Library Student Ambassadors also receive career development support, including the opportunity to receive mentoring from Library staff and workshops with the university Careers Team.

You can find out more about our ambassadors, the activities they have been involved in, and what they have gained from the experience below.

Oliver, 3rd Year Psychology student, Pendle College

"Being a Library Student Ambassador has been such a great experience for me because it has provided me with so many opportunities to develop both personally and professionally. I have particularly enjoyed Open Days, where meeting and chatting to new people has really boosted my confidence, and working as part of a team with the other ambassadors has been so much fun! I've also developed a lot of other skills by being involved in other projects, such as helping to develop and write content for the library newsletter, collecting feedback from current students on the Library's resources and communications, and collating e-books and audiobooks on Libby to contribute to the Library Student Ambassador Picks collection. Overall, the experience has been really rewarding!"

Clémence, 3rd year Criminology and Psychology student, Furness College

"Being a library ambassador has enriched my personal, academic and professional growth. Engaging in Open Days and public lectures has not only increased my confidence but also sharpened my communication skills, reinforcing my role as a university representative in both the library and public settings in Lancaster. Attending library management team meetings has provided invaluable insights into decision-making processes, benefiting my part-time administrative and society executive roles. I found it especially fulfilling to contribute to the library's academic integrity group, where I assisted in tailoring resources to address students' needs, providing relevant materials for students of all years. This experience has deepened my understanding and appreciation of the library's multifaceted roles, particularly highlighted during my participation at the ‘Student as co-creators’ ALN conference where I gained insights into university dynamics and efforts towards student inclusivity. The supportive team and staff have made this journey fulfilling and highlighted the essential role the library plays in our academic and personal development."

Uzma, 2nd year Law student, Bowland College

"I have thoroughly enjoyed working as a Library Student Ambassador for the Library! I have had the privilege of being involved in the behind-the-scenes work that the library does. The projects I have taken part in work with students, staff, and the public. It is apparent that my voice as a student is really valued. I particularly enjoyed contributing towards the Academic Integrity Group, where I not only was able to give my personal opinions on services that students use, but also learnt how to really take advantage of the library. For example, the Learning Development team can help with your essays which I find really useful as a law student. I also really feel like getting involved with events such as ‘Welcome Week’ and open days has really helped me develop my own inter-personal communication and public speaking skills; I never would’ve imagined myself sitting on student panels and working public events but this role helped me to become a really confident version of myself."

Left: The Library Student Ambassadors 2022/23. Right: A book display created for LGBT+ History Month by library student ambassador Jodi Lo.
Left: The Library Student Ambassadors 2022/23. Right: A book display created for LGBT+ History Month by library student ambassador Jodi Lo.

Library Schools Engagement Ambassadors

We also employ four Library Schools Engagement Ambassadors who support the Teaching and Engagement team in their work with schools. Primarily working with college or sixth-form students undertaking an extended essay or research projects as part of their course, the ambassadors help support students on research days in the library, accompany and assist faculty librarians when they visit schools, and demystify the university by sharing their experience of University Life and their journey to get here.

The Library Schools Engagement Ambassadors were recruited through the Lancaster Success Programme and Grow Your Future schemes.

Charlotte, 3rd Year Medicine student

“In my role as a Library Schools Engagement Ambassador, I’ve been able to work with the wider Teaching and Engagement Team, with a variety of projects ranging from EPQ information searching days, outreach visits to schools and presentations about transitioning to university. Having done an EPQ in college, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed being able to help college students with information searching and planning for their own EPQ. In addition, I’ve also been able to talk to students about life as a medical student, the transition from college to university and widening access to Higher Education. Working in this role has been an invaluable experience of working in a team, building knowledge of information literacy and being able to pass on my knowledge to college students."

Eleanor, 3rd Year Psychology student

"I work alongside Faculty Librarians in creating library content for both existing and upcoming students, as well as assisting college students with their Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) when they visit the University to use our resources. As a widening participation student, I like to share my experiences of university experience as a mature student, and to spread the word that university is for everyone who wants to feed their need for curiosity and knowledge! Working in this role has helped to develop my communication and leadership skills, and I have had the great opportunity of learning more about the library facilities and being able to use them for my own degree. Despite being in my first year within the role, I have gained so much experience already and I can't wait to carry on being a Library Schools Engagement Ambassador!"

Nabilah, 3rd Year Management and IT student

"I applied to be an ambassador because I remember how intimidated I felt when applying to university. As someone who took part in the widening participation support Lancaster offers, such as the Access and Success programme, I know how important it is to support and make students feel comfortable with their academic work and applying to higher education. I'm passionate about widening participation and I'm so grateful to have the chance to help students and pay the support I got when applying to university forward."

Suze, 2nd Year Physical Geography student

"I chose Lancaster because of its welcoming and inclusive community, as well as the incredible support offered to students. The environment here has helped me grow both academically and personally, and I’m proud to be part of such a supportive university. I applied to be a Library Ambassador because I wanted to help students feel confident when applying for further education. Having experienced how intimidating the process can be, I’m passionate about making it less daunting for others and supporting them on their academic journey."

 Library Schools Engagement Ambassadors Eleanor (top left), Suze (top right), Charlotte (bottom)
Our four Library Schools Engagement Ambassadors: Eleanor (top left), Nabilah (top right), Charlotte (bottom left) and Suze (bottom right)

Career Taster Events

The Library offers students the opportunity to take part in career taster days and shadow our various teams. Read about Amelia's experience below:

"I’m Amelia, a third year English Literature and Creative Writing student. I took part in the careers taster days to learn more about the different roles in academic libraries. I had three days talking to library staff about their various roles, learning about the different technologies used by librarians, and shadowing the front of house library team. This was useful because it taught me about sectors of the library that existed which I had never heard about before."

"I loved seeing how diverse the careers in the library are, and the opportunities staff have to try new things and collaborate. I enjoyed talking to everyone about how they contribute to the successful running of the library and how they are working to make the space and its resources better for everyone. The staff were so friendly and supportive, the space is amazing and the community that the library promotes is wonderful. The experience gave me confidence in my future plans and confirmed that I want to work in academic libraries."

If you would like to learn more about participating in a career taster day please email

An image of Amelia, Amelia is sat in a  cafe wearing a grey jumper
Career Taster Event participant Amelia