DURESS Timeline

Previous hydrology & water quality studies at Brianne
Bird, S.C., Walsh, R.P.D. & Littlewood, I.G. 1990. Catchment characteristics and basin hydrology: their effects on streamwater acidity. In: Acid Waters in Wales (R.W. Edwards, A.S. Gee & J.H. Stoner, eds.) Kluwer, Dordrecht.
British Geological Survey. 2005. Builth Wells. England and Wales Sheet 196. Solid and Drift Geology. 1:50,000. British Geological Survey, Keyworth, UK.
Jakeman, A.J., Littlewood, I.G. & Whitehead. P.G. 1990. Computation of the instantaneous unit hydrograph and identifiable component flows with application to two small upland catchments. J. Hydrol. 117, 275-300.
Langan, S.J., Fransson, L. & Vanguelova, E. 2009. Dynamic modelling of the response of UK forest soils to changes in acid deposition using the SAFE model. Sci. Total Environ. 407, 5605-5619.
Littlewood, L.G. 1989. The dynamics of acid runoff from moorland and conifer afforested catchments draining into Llyn Brianne, Wales. PhD thesis, University of Wales.
Littlewood, I.G. 2003. Improved unit hydrograph identification for seven Welsh rivers: implications for estimating continuous streamflow at ungauged sites. Hydrol. Sci. J. 48, 743-762.
Neal, C., Robson, A., Reynolds, B. & Jenkins, A. 1992a. Prediction of future short term stream chemistry - A modelling approach. J. Hydrol. 130, 87-103.
Nisbet, T.R. 2001. The role of forest management in controlling diffuse pollution in UK forestry. Forest Ecol. Manag. 143, 215-226.
Ormerod, S.J., Boole, P., McCahon, C.P., Weatherley, N.S., Pascoe, D. & Edwards, R.W. 1987. Short-term experimental acidification of a Welsh stream - comparing the biological effects of hydrogen ions and aluminum. Freshwater Biol. 17, 341-356.
Ormerod, S.J. & Durance, I. 2009. Restoration and recovery from acidification in upland Welsh streams over 25 years. J. Appl. Ecol. 46, 164-174.
Potts, A.S. 1971. Fossil cryonival features in central Wales. Geogr. Ann. A 53, 39-51.
Reynolds, B. & Norris, D.A. 1990. Llyn Brianne Acid Waters Project - summary of catchment characteristics. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, pp. 45.
Robson, A. & Neal, C. 1990. Hydrograph separation using chemical techniques: an application to catchments in mid-Wales. J. Hydrol. 116: 345-363.
Shand, P., Abesser, C., Farr, G., Wilton, N., Lapworth, D.J., Gooddy, D.C., Haria, A. & Hargreaves, R.L. 2005. The Ordovician and Silurian meta-sedimentary aquifers of central and south-west Wales. Baseline Report Series 17. Technical Report NC/99/74/17. Environment Agency National Groundwater & Contaminated Land Centre.
Soulsby, C. 1992. Hydrological controls on acid runoff generation in an afforested headwater catchment at Llyn Brianne, mid-Wales. J. Hydrol. 138, 431-448.
Soulsby, C. 1995. Contrasts in storm event hydrochemistry in an acidic afforested catchment in upland Wales. J. Hydrol. 170, 159-179.
Soulsby, C. & Reynolds, B. 1992. Modelling hydrological processes and aluminium leaching in an acid soil at Llyn Brianne, Mid-Wales. J. Hydrol., 138, 409-429.
Stoner, J.H., Gee, A.S. & Wade, K.R. 1984. The effects of acidification on the ecology of streams in the Upper Tywi catchment in West Wales. Environ. Pollut. A 25, 125-157.
Vanguelova, E.I., Benham, S., Pitman, R., Moffat, A.J., Broadmeadow, M., Nisbet, T., Durrant, D., Barsoum, N., Wilkinson, M., Bochereau, F., Hutchings, T., Broadmeadow, S., Crow, P., Taylor, P. & Durrant Houston, T. 2010. Chemical fluxes in time through forest ecosystems in the UK - Soil response to pollution recovery. Environ. Pollut. 158, 1857-1869.
Weatherley, N.S. & Ormerod, S.J. 1987. The impact of acidification on macroinvertebrate assemblages in Welsh streams: towards an empirical model. Environ. Pollut. 46, 223-240.
Whitehead, P.G., Bird, S., Hornung, M., Cosby, J., Neal, C. & Paricos, P. 1988a. Stream acidification trends in the Welsh Uplands - a modelling study of the Llyn Brianne catchments. J. Hydrol. 101, 191-212.
Wolock, D.M., Hornberger, G.M. & Musgrove, T.J. 1990. Topographic effects on flow path and surface water chemistry of the Llyn Brianne catchments in Wales. J. Hydrol. 115, 243-259.