Latest News
Project team win ESRC award for 'outstanding impact in public policy'.
Try the new "Flood Snakes and Ladders" training tool.
New summary of the project's influence on policy and practice released
Project participants set up as flood consultants
Marion and Beccy win Lancaster University Staff Prize 2010 for innovative research communication.
A workshop has been held at Rheged, Penrith, to explore the role that research can play in Cumbria's recovery from the November 2009 floods.
After the Rain Workshops as part of ESRC 2010 Festival of Social Science
After the Rain, the project's final report is now available to download from the Outputs page.
Recent News
New document on the Diarists' recommendations for flood recovery is available to download from the Outputs page.
Lancaster University's submission to DEFRA's consultation on the Draft Flood and Water Management Bill available to download.
New website launched for the Children, Flood and Urban Resilience project
Lancaster University's submission to DEFRA's consultation on the National Flood Emergency Framework available to download.
Latest newsletter now available to download.
Click here to view the recent Environment Agency Conference paper.
Lancaster University's submission for the DEFRA consultation on flood protection and resilience available to download.
Project members' response to the Pitt Review Interim Report available to download.
Flood diarists featured on the BBC news website.
Flood, vulnerability and urban resilience
A real-time study of local recovery following the floods of June 2007 in Hull (2007-2009)
The Hull Floods Projects ran from October 2007 to June 2011 and this website has now been archived as a record of the research and its impacts.
Funded by the ESRC, EPSRC and the Environment Agency, this project is a response to the events of June 2007 in Hull which dramatically exposed the vulnerability of urban communities in the face of major flood events. While the initial impact in Yorkshire, Humberside and Worcestershire was documented by the media, the extended process of physical, social and personal recovery from the flood experience will be lost from the headlines as local people, key agencies and government departments seek to re-establish the social and physical fabric of affected local communities.
ESRC Impact Case Study and Video
The Economic and Social Research Council, who co-funded this study, has produced a case study of the Hull Floods Project, as well as a short film: