
Agreed actions and commitment to deliver Actions_Summary_Focus_Groups_Ongoing
Baseline activity mapping Actions for mapping in crowdmap
Baseline activity mapping Baseline Action Mapping within the Leam
Baseline activity mapping Environmental Baseline Maps
Baseline activity mapping R Leam Catchment Map
Baseline activity mapping Waterbody list
Comms plans Defra_Learning_Poster_Leam
Comms plans Workshop_Flyers
Comms plans CROWDMAP
Description of key services provided by catchment Key Services Provided by Leam Catchment_Draft2012
Info generated by non Defra learning or training events River Leam Pilot_Workshop_Flyer_Update_March2012
Info generated by non Defra learning or training events River Leam Pilot_Workshop_Flyer_Update_May2012_v3
Minutes from first catchment group or stakeholder meeting Habitats Group Minutes 15June 2012
Minutes from first catchment group or stakeholder meeting Habitats_Meeting1_Minutes
Minutes from first catchment group or stakeholder meeting Leam Catchment Partnership Minutes June 2012
Minutes from first catchment group or stakeholder meeting Leam Pilot Steering Group_25June_Notes
Minutes from first catchment group or stakeholder meeting Leam_Pilot_Workshop1_Minutes_141211_Final
Minutes from first catchment group or stakeholder meeting Leam_Pilot_Workshop2_Minutes_02022012_Final
Minutes from first catchment group or stakeholder meeting Upper Avon Stakeholder Group Meeting Minutes 24th Nov 2011
Other relevant information Environment_Agency_Evidence (monitoring evidence presentations)
Other relevant information Environment_Agency_Introduction (monitoring evidence presentations)
Other relevant information Natural_England (monitoring evidence presentations)
Other relevant information STW_Pesticides (monitoring evidence presentations)
Other relevant information STW_Phosphates (monitoring evidence presentations)
Other relevant information Warwickshire_County_Council (monitoring evidence presentations)
Other relevant information Avon_Leam_Catchment_Map.pdf
Outcomes Leam_Draft_Detailed_Outcomes
outcomes Leam_High_Level_Outcomes
outcomes Leam_Outcomes_Detailed_DRAFT_FINAL_v2
Shared understanding of problems Leam_DRAFT_Partnership_Agreement_v2
Stakeholder analysis Q4_Evaluation_Stakeholder_Mapping
Stakeholder analysis Stakeholder_List
Stakeholder analysis List of Potential Stakeholders
other relevant information Roles_Responsibilities_Final
minutes from first catchment group or stakeholder meeting Leam Pilot Steering Group_7Aug2012_Notes
other relevant information Crowdmap_Screen_Shot_101012
other relevant information ArcGIS_Screenshot_101012

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