Catchment Sensitive Farming Evaluation

Catchment Sensitive Farming is a joint initiative between the Environment Agency and Natural England, funded by Defra and the Rural Development Programme for England, working in priority catchments within England.

Evaluation is a core part of the Catchment Sensitive Farming (CSF) project: essential for assessing delivery of objectives and benefits. The first five years of the England Catchment Sensitive Farming Delivery Initiative (ECSFDI) have been evaluated and there is clear evidence to demonstrate that the initiative has met its primary objectives, to:

  1. increase awareness amongst rural land managers and stakeholders of the impact of diffuse water pollution from agriculture
  2. improve soil and land management practices amongst farmers within Priority Catchments
  3. reduce the pollution of water caused by farming within Priority Catchments


The evaluation shows that:

  1. CSF advice has been delivered to over 9,000 farms covering an area of 1.3 million hectares. This represents 17 per cent of all farm holdings within Priority Catchments (38 per cent by area) and 45 per cent within targeted sub-catchments (62 per cent by area).
  2. 64% of farms have implemented more than half of the specific recommendations to reduce water pollution – in total 93,000 recommendations were made
  3. monitored pollutant levels have reduced by up to 30%


The results of the  evaluation are outlined in a high level summary report: (149kb) and a detailed Phase 1 & 2 Evaluation Report: (5.92mb).



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