Colleagues of the Year Awards 2021

Lancaster Environment Centre (LEC) Colleagues of the Year award scheme has been running since 2018, recognising those who have made an exceptional contribution to the day-to-day life of the department and to their colleagues.
This year, the nomination process was open to all of the LEC community, giving undergraduates, postgraduates and all staff the opportunity to show their appreciation to the staff and postgraduates who have gone above and beyond what was expected of them to support others, and the department. Submitted nomination cases were peer-assessed by a staff panel from across the department.
In the award presentation celebration held online, department director Professor Phil Barker acknowledged the record number of nominations submitted in this challenging year:
- 37 individuals were nominated alone, as part of a team, or multiple times
- submissions were made by 65 individual named nominators
With such an overwhelming number of nominations, seven teams and individuals were awarded in recognition of the positive impact they have had on large groups of LEC colleagues, and two awards were made to recognise colleagues that have supported individuals in difficulty. Within the teams that received an award, special mentions were given to a number of team members that received nominations as individuals, in addition to their nominations as part the group.
Award Winners
Clare Benskin, John Crosse, Marion Dunn, Tim Gregson, Maureen Harrison, James Heath, Dave Hughes, Sam Jones, Vassil Karloukovski, David Lewis, Gareth McShane, Phill Nott, Annabel Rice, Catarina Sobral and Catherine Wearing - LEC's project and laboratory technical team
This team has been on site throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, maintaining equipment, running research and teaching laboratories, and working in very frustrating and difficult circumstances to keep projects moving forward.
“Without the input of this team on the ground, the on-site activities would not have been possible… The team has worked as a whole with a ‘can do’ positive attitude, often being creative to find a solution to difficult situations, working to and beyond exhaustion to make things happen”
Within the group we give a special mention to Sam Jones, Annabel Rice, Clare Benskin, John Crosse, James Heath and Marion Dunn.
Sam Jones: “a lynchpin of the department since (and before) the first lockdown… He has taken on extra tasks and despite the challenges he is always ready with a smile and offer of help”
Annabel Rice: “pivotal in ensuring that the research group has been able to function during the last 18 months of lockdown, all whilst mainly working part-time and suffering from long-covid”
Clare Benskin: “provides vast amounts of support on all manner of tasks in a hugely underappreciated role, working so hard behind the scenes to make all our lives easier, without us even noticing”
John Crosse, James Heath and Marion Dunn: “worked quietly behind the scenes to ensure we can offer the excellent modules that are fundamental to LEC’s reputation. Their commitment plays a major role in student satisfaction and their willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty to support learning during the pandemic is exemplary.”
Marion Dunn: “The work of multiple people was completed by Marion… The only way this was possible was that Marion put in many hours over and above her contracted hours to prepare for the timetable and as a result sacrificed time outside of work to make sure everything could continue to go ahead.”
Julia Bland, Stacey Lofthouse, Freda MacPherson, Suzanne Stelling and Lisa Stout - The departmental Teaching Office team
The nomination for this team was made in the form of a mnemonic poem:
- Always there to support students with their queries and concerns
- Many changes during the last year, U-turns and last-minute requests
- All from student enrolment, coursework, upgrading and exams comes your way
- Zoom, Teams, E-mails – you are capable of it all
- In it together and working well with the academic leads
- Nothing is a problem for you
- Good colleague team of the year should go to you!
With a special mention for Suzanne Stelling
“[Suzanne] has taken on responsibilities beyond those expected of a teaching coordinator role, and delivered with calm efficiency to enhance student experience, ease academic workloads and enhance LEC’s reputation externally.”
“a mainstay for LEC postgraduate students, providing great support during an atypical year… It is harder to achieve a sense of community when we are scattered… and there has been much uncertainty about the return to university. It has been great to have Suzanne as a friendly, responsive presence throughout.”
Steve Lane, Jackie Pates, Mike Roberts, Andy Wilby and Duncan Whyatt - the Academic Teaching Leadership team
For successfully “steering the LEC Ship through the choppy teaching waters of the Covid-19 pandemic, with a steady hand and never-ending patience to staff and students alike.”
With a special mention for Jackie Pates
“‘I couldn’t have done it without her’ is an overused phrase, but very true in this instance.”
“She is willing to help anyone… and perhaps more important than the advice she gave… was her ability to leave me feeling motivated and confident in the teaching I was doing and about to do.”
“She has taken it upon herself to liaise with [other members of the teaching process]… She has listened when we’ve had a bad day, taken note of our concerns and then gone off to ‘sort out’ things on our behalf. Throughout all this she has been incredibly cheerful, helpful and hardworking.”
Annette Ryan - Head of LEC Technical Services and Facilities
For her hard work and commitment, positivity and responsiveness in supporting colleagues throughout the pandemic, including presiding over the Covid-19 Testing Centre, preparing LEC’s Covid-19 safety documents and making significant improvements to the department’s safety culture.
“Annette always shows outstanding support for colleagues, but her contribution has been truly exceptional over the pandemic… despite all the very real pressures of work… Annette has been unfailingly helpful and always has time to listen and to give considered and valuable advice.”
Ruth Alcock - Head of Enterprise & Business Partnerships
For her supportive, compassionate, and caring management of the Enterprise & Business Partnerships team and her dedication to the department.
“Over the past 15 challenging months Ruth’s thoughtful and caring management has been critical in keeping the team together… Ruth has gone above and beyond to make sure every single person in the team has felt secure, included and supported during this difficult time.”
Sarah Taylor - Research and Faculty Partnership Manager, Research and Enterprise Services
Although Sarah’s position is based outside of LEC, her role is to give advice and guidance to researchers seeking and applying for funding opportunities, and to support the management of departmental grant data. Her nominators and the awards review panel felt that the support she provides is so important to the LEC research community that she is very deserving of an award.
“The quality, timely, and caring support Sarah offers the LEC community in applying for research funding is just phenomenal.”
“Her workload is often substantial, evidenced by responding to requests out of hours, and yet she provides support in an unflappable manner, and always with sufficient time to meet deadlines. Sarah is very humble, and could easily go without recognition, but we feel the department owes her a huge thank you.”
Suzi Ilic - Senior Lecturer
Award to Suzi Ilic, lecturer, Study Abroad Advisor, PhD supervisor, researcher and community engager.
The nomination case submitted for Suzi covered all of these aspects of her work - lecturer, Study Abroad Advisor, PhD supervisor, researcher and engager of the community - and particularly how she has continued to give so much despite her own personal challenges during the pandemic.
“Overall, Suzi is highly inclusive, continually available even during the testing pandemic, and strives to deliver impact, doing so with a tirelessness, a dedication, and a smile. It is these qualities that single Suzi out and make her so deserving.”
Two awards recognising those that have made a difference to individuals at a difficult time
Carolyn Hayes and Fiona Mirrlees - of the Centre for Global Eco-Innovation
For, as the nominator said, “providing outstanding compassion and care to a colleague going through a terrible time.”
“The support I got from Carolyn and Fiona afterwards was again amazing… I am really happy and proud to have such compassionate colleagues and really don’t know how I would have gotten through 2020 without their care and support and for this reason, I would like to ‘jointly’ nominate them as my Colleagues of the Year.”
Ben Neimark - Senior Lecturer
The undergraduate student nominating Ben for this award said, “Ben has massively enriched my university experience. Not only is he a phenomenal lecturer but…he has played a notable role in restoring my self-confidence in my academic ability.”
Ben was also nominated by a colleague, “For his incredible courage and commitment to his students, colleagues and research, in spite of everything he’s been through”
Also nominated
Andy Harrod: “For reminding us it’s OK not to be OK…”, particularly referencing his recent LEC Blog post: “Green care: how being with nature benefits mental health”
Fred Otu-Larbi: “Raising the profile of LEC internationally through his engagement and activism” through his meticulously researched facts about climate change tweeted (@larbi_fred) every single day throughout 2020
Nigel Paul: Nominated by a group of undergraduate students, saying “Amazing effort in all modules involved in year 2… and of course making us all plant ID nerds!”
Jaime Puertolas: "an integral part of the Plant physiology lab. He always tries to find a useful solution to the problems we need help with. Even though he now works in Spain"
Nigel Clark: “For telling it like it is… actively calling out bullying, abuse of power dynamics & toxic behaviour at all levels”
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