Colleagues of the Year Awards 2020

Lancaster Environment Centre's (LEC) annual Colleagues of the Year Awards recognise the exceptional contribution staff and PhD researchers make to the day-to-day life of the department and to its welcoming atmosphere.
Director Professor Phil Barker explained, "There are many prestigious awards, but perhaps the most precious are those nominated by our peers. LEC’s Colleague of the Year awards recognise those who have gone above and beyond in building our community and making our department a special place to work. Never has that community been more important than now, during this pandemic and time of uncertainty."
Award winners are nominated by their peers and cases are assessed by a staff panel from across the department. In previous years, the awards have been presented in person at a departmental summer social, but today social distancing restrictions led to Phil making 2020's presentations virtually through video call.
Award Winners
Dan Evans – PhD student, STARS CDT Legacy Fellow, Rurban Revolution Researcher
Dan has received a record-breaking number of nominations for his efforts creating and running an online Friday night quiz throughout the COVID-19 lockdown. This brought the department and Lancaster UKCEH colleagues together in laughter at a time when isolation and anxiety were together were being keenly felt.
“Dan HAS to win a ‘LEC colleague of the year.’”
“During lockdown, Dan has gone above and beyond in organising the LEC quiz, bringing the LEC and UKCEH community together and sharing laughs at a time when social interactions are vitally important.”
“Putting these quizzes together and coordinating all those involved is an absolutely massive undertaking (at the same time as writing up and submitting his thesis!), and he really has gone above and beyond to help us all maintain a sense of community and raise spirits.”
Andy Pickard – Centre for Global Eco-Innovation Manager
For his management of the award-winning Centre for Global Eco-Innovation. Specifically for driving CGE forward and securing the next major project - Eco-I North West - and compassionately supporting staff and early career researchers through end-of-funding job insecurities and COVID-19 uncertainties.
“Lots of credit for winning these titles go to Andy. He is an excellent Manager who is always supportive and makes us proud to work for CGE and what it stands for, he ‘brings out the best’ in us which has enabled all the amazing things listed above to have been achieved. Andy is extremely passionate about the work that CGE does and very, very proud of his team.”
“Andy is always ready to listen and help, remaining calm and positive, delivering 'out of the box' solutions which make everyone happy. Beyond formal support, he provides human and collegiate support and makes all PhD students feel like valuable members of the CGE community.”
“The CGE Team are extremely proud of Andy and all his hard work and we feel that he has gone ‘above and beyond’ to ensure that the amazing work CGE does, will continue on into the future.”
Barry Muzzeroll - Postgraduate Research Coordinator
For the last year Barry Muzzeroll has been maternity-cover Postgraduate Research Coordinator providing crucial administrative support to staff and students on just 60 % of the hours previously given for the role.
“Barry has been LEC PGR co-ordinator for the past year. This is a complex role with responsibility for administrative and financial tasks that are vital for student welfare. Challenges includes responding to changing student circumstances and working with multiple, overlapping and, at times contradictory, datasets.”
“Barry does an amazing job, he is on top of everything and even caught up on things that had got behind when he came into the role, he is completely unflappable”
“He is thorough, reliable, and always prepared to do a little bit more to resolve a problem. Things always seem less complex or onerous when he is helping!”
Nick Ostle, Jennie Gilbert, Nikki Flook, Catherine Baxendale - The ENVISION DTP management team in LEC
For providing “outstanding support to the ENIVISION PhD community, both before and during the pandemic”, particularly for their work in: supporting students to find and apply for internships, placements and external funding; providing diverse training opportunities both on and offline; and providing constant, clear communication throughout the pandemic.
“The Envision team have provided incredible support to all of us: helping to navigate complex institutional arrangements, budgets, training and to develop our skills. However, through the pandemic we have come to appreciate more than ever their commitment to supporting our interests and overall well-being and would love to have this recognised through this award.”
Kirsti Ashworth - Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow, Lead of the Ashworth Lab
For her style of mentorship and leadership of the researchers in her group, even during her recovery from a life-threatening accident.
“Despite the challenges of a life-threatening accident and the COVID-19 pandemic, Kirsti is always there for her students.”
“Kirsti demonstrates unrivalled commitment to her students, through prioritising their well-being; guiding them through planning, executing, and writing up their research; coming up with creative solutions to challenges; and celebrating their achievements. She continues to advance her own research as well, through both traditional channels and community outreach.”
“Kirsti is a mentor in research, and a friend in life.”
Rachel Marshall – Senior Research Associate / N8 AgriFood Knowledge Exchange Fellow
Not only for her exemplary work developing community engagement and knowledge exchange in her N8 Knowledge Exchange Fellowship, but also for her dedication – in her own time - to pushing LEC forward on its commitment to improving our environmental sustainability. She has played a particularly crucial role in not letting momentum on this slip during the COVID-19 pandemic when so much focus has moved elsewhere. Furthermore, nominations also refer to Rachel’s personal support of the colleagues around her.
“Rachel has been an outstanding colleague who has gone beyond the call of duty in creating ways for LEC to have a really positive role in the local community. Her inspiring efforts have united many in taking forward action on sustainability and social justice both within and beyond the department.”
“Rachel made a massive difference to me at a time when I was floundering and feeling rather useless – she helped me find ways in which I could harness my passions and interests.”
“Rachel is an inspirational person and LEC is lucky to have her. Her commitment and enthusiasm for sustainability and community engagement catalyse other people to get involved and do things differently.”
“She gives everything she does (which is way beyond her formal role) her all – bringing her whole self to work and walking the talk.”
Department Red and Blue COVID teaching response teams: Andy Folkard, Gordon Walker, Mike James, Rosa Menendez, Ian Hartley, Julia Bland, John Crosse, Nigel Paul, Lindsay Andrews, Steve Lane, Jackie Pates, Duncan Whyatt, Mike Roberts, Andy Wilby, Ben Surridge, Phil Barker, Jane Taylor, Crispin Halsall and Rebecca McDonough
For their work adapting our teaching activities to ever-changing the COVID-19 situation.
“Cannot even begin to comprehend how they’ve managed this or coped with... last-minute changes, strange requests and lack of guidance. And the fact that they’ve embraced it and seen it as an opportunity to improve what we deliver in the long-term… In total awe.”
Also nominated
Annette Ryan: “For clear, calm, timely advice around COVID-related Health and Safety demands” and “negotiating the tricky middle-ground between LEC colleagues demands for quick access and Faculty and central University management.”
Phil Barker: “Utterly no idea how he has the time, energy and understanding to cope but extremely thankful to have him as Head of Department” and “For doing his damnedest to create a compassionate working environment.”
Digital Ambassador team Lauren Hart, Holly Mills, Georgia Kwan, Shannon Galgani, Ben Ireland, Ben Hutchins, Olivia Marter, Emily Wood, Morgan Winyard, Rachael Cooper, Eleanor Walkerdine, Sophie Lee and Charlotte Cullen: Managed by Recruitment, Conversion and Marketing Coordinator Charlotte Cullen, our Digital Ambassadors Team are Undergraduate and Masters students – led by Lauren Hart – employed to document and share student life in the department through Instagram and participate in Open Day recruitment activities. “For the fabulous content and engaging features that they have developed, they are often held up as examples within Lancaster University’s wider social media user community. They play a crucial role in our outreach and engagement process, particularly showing prospective students why they should join us at LEC by sharing their own experiences. This has been especially important this year as our Open Days have become online instead of physical events.”
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