Why Our Research Matters

Women who Buy Sexual Services in the UK
Researcher: Dr Sarah Kingston
Funder: British Academy/Leverhulme
Aims: This study seeks to explore motivations and characteristics of women who purchase sex, who and where they buy sex from and to explore how physical and sexual safety are negotiated. The findings will contribute to growing an empirically grounded UK sex work research base and consider the place of female sex buyers in UK policy debates which have increasingly targeted clients.
Website: www.womenwhobuysex.org

Secure Dynamic Cloud for Information, Communication and Resource Interoperability based on Pan-European Disaster Inventory (SecInCoRe)
Co-investigator: Dr Catherine Easton
Funder: EU FP-7
Project: The project aims to identify data sets, processes, information systems and business models used by first responders and police authorities and to develop a dynamic and secure cloud-based “common information space”. The work is undertaken by eight partners across the EU and the Lancaster team’s role is to embed and develop the ethical, legal and social issues that arise as the project progresses.
Website: http://www.secincore.eu/