Law School Skills Project

What is the Skills Project about?
Lancaster University Law School has started a Skills Project, designed to enhance how our students develop the skills that they need to succeed in their studies, and in their future careers.
The first stage of the project (2023) aims to explore what skills are already embedded effectively within Law School programmes; and what additional skills we might embed in the future.
This will help to inform the next stages of the project when we focus on developing our Law School skills teaching.
How can you get involved?
If you are one of our key stakeholders, we would love to hear your views on skills in the Law School and how we can develop them further for the benefit of our students. Please click the relevant link below to find out more about the Skills Project and to complete a survey.
Employers or potential employers of law or criminology graduates from the Law School
· Employer Skills Survey Information Sheet
· Click to complete the employer survey
Law School alumni
· Alumni Skills Survey Information Sheet
· Click to complete the alumni survey
Law School students
Student Skills Survey Information Sheet
Click to complete the student survey
Law School staff
Staff Skills Survey Information Sheet
Click to complete the staff survey
Many thanks from the Law School Skills Project Team
Tina McKee, Director of Skills and Widening Participation (
Kathryn Saban, Director of Clinical Legal Education (
Sadie Whittam, Director of Clinical Legal Education (
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