Hybrid (in-person/virtual) Conference on Human Rights and Sustainable Development, Lancaster University, UK, 14-15 July 2023. Call for Papers

The Center for Global Economic and Environmental Opportunity, University of Central Florida and the Centre for International Law and Human Rights, Lancaster University Law School.
Call for Papers
We welcome abstracts of no more than 500 words on the relationship between human rights and sustainable development, in particular:
1. The human rights perspective on sustainable development and theoretical approaches to the relationship.
2. Concepts and principles, including inter-generational equity and standing for future generations, the precautionary principle, the prevent principle, and due diligence.
3. Jurisdiction and areas beyond national jurisdiction.
4. Subjects and actors, including rights of women, children, indigenous peoples, peasants and the peoples of small island states; conversely, duties for businesses.
5. The relationship with particular human rights (e.g. adequate standard of living, health, education, expression and association); the right to a satisfactory environment as an expression of sustainable development
6. The right to development and peoples’ rights to resources and self-determination.
7. Informing sustainable development, including duties of consultation, environmental impact assessment, notification and exchange of information.
8. The challenge in measuring progress on human rights in the context of sustainable development
9. Institutions: implementation by human rights bodies and/or environmental bodies and processes.
10. The role of science in informing national and international bodies.
11. Impact on international investment and trade law.
12. Remedies, including restitution, compensation and the polluter pays principle.
We welcome abstracts from all persons engaged with or studying the relationship between human rights and sustainable development. Please send abstracts of no more than 500 words and a short CV to cilhr@lancaster.ac.uk by 24 April. Please also indicate whether you intend to attend physically or virtually.
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