Congratulations, Dr Ge!

A group, showing the lab members
From left to right: Faheema Ali, Yun-Wei (Kelly) Lee, Wensi Zhang, Padraic Monaghan, Sophie Bennett, Yuxin (Cindy) Ge, Liuqi (Yuki) Zhu, Patrick Rebuschat, Xia (Summer) Wang

Cindy’s examiners, Dr. Silke Brandt (Lancaster) and Professor Miquel Llompart (Barcelona), recommended that the degree of PhD be awarded immediately, with no corrections. This is the best possible outcome and reflects the outstanding quality of Cindy’s PhD work.

Cindy’s dissertation focused on the “Influence of phonology and individual differences in adults’ statistical word learning”. Impressively, before passing her viva, Cindy had already published two papers from her PhD, and a third manuscript will be submitted in the coming days.

You can find out more about Cindy’s research by consulting the papers below, which are available open access.

We are very grateful to our examiners for taking the time to assess Cindy’s dissertation and for the valuable feedback!

Cindy was jointly supervised by Professor Patrick Rebuschat (Linguistics) and Professor Padraic Monaghan (Psychology), co-directors of Lancaster's Language Learning Lab.

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