Lancaster University Technician Website
Our University has signed up to the Technician Commitment which is a university and research institution initiative, led by a steering group of sector bodies, with support from the Science Council and the Technicians Make It Happen campaign.
Technicians' Career Framework Announcement
The Technicians’ Career Framework has been successfully launched. The framework is the culmination of a two-year project involving technical managers and staff across the university in collaboration with staff and organisations across the sector. Competencies and expectations were mapped to establish clear career pathways for technical staff. The new framework will make it easier to understand what is needed to progress in a technical career, helping to better identify training and development opportunities.
The Technicians Career Framework Guidance tells you more about the competency matrix and how it can help you identify career paths and CPD. You will be invited to opt into the new style of job description over the next PDR cycle with your Technical manager
Technician career framework documentNews and Events

Join your fellow technicians for a "Technical Brew"; first Friday of the month and Second Wednesday of the month.
Technicians are meeting regularly on the first Friday & second Wednesday of the month for catch up & chat. Please feel free to come along (for as much or little as you can manage) & meet informally with your fellow technicians. Just turn up in LEC atrium on Friday 10 -11am or the Chemistry Foyer on Wednesdays 3.30 - 4.30pm - Bring your own brew.
Technician's looking for technical updates....
All technical updates & information specifically aimed at Technical staff is now being communicated via the LU technicians Microsoft team.
Have something good to celebrate or content to share? please email Elisabeth Shaw.
To contact LU Technician Commitment Steering Group please email Technician-commitment@lancaster.ac.uk