Staff member using laptop

Connect to IT as a staff member

Once you have responded to your contract, activated your University IT account and set up Multi-Factor Authentication you will be able to get connected and access essential services.

Set up Multi-Factor Authentication

Once your IT account is activated, you must set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on it.

MFA provides an extra layer of security when you log in to some University applications, including Office 365 (e.g. Outlook, Teams), CoreHR, and VPN (for access to specific applications from off campus).

Once you have set up MFA you will be able to generate One-Time Passwords (OTPs) to enter if prompted when logging in to applications that use MFA. If you don’t set up MFA you may be unable to access some University applications until you have set it up.

Instructions for setting up MFA

Hands on laptop keyboard

Do mandatory Information Security training

You must complete this mandatory online Information Security training by the end of the first week of your employment.

Person looking at laptop screen

Connect to Wi-Fi when you’re on campus

Connect to eduroam for Wi-Fi in office areas and across campus.

Follow the instructions to connect securely and to make sure you’ve used the correct login details.

Eduroam connection instructions

Accessing essential services

Once you have responded to your contract and set up your University IT account you'll be able to log in to these essential services.

You must also have set up Multi-factor authentication (MFA) on your IT account in order to access some of these services.

For your day-to-day work

Details of essential IT services. accordion

For software

Details of services for access to software accordion

For staff in academic departments

Details of other essential IT services. accordion

Get IT help and support

What to do if you’re having IT problems.

  • Help and support

    Information to help solve your IT problems, and how to report problems or request services.

  • IT service issues

    Check your Intranet notifications or ISS on X (formerly Twitter) to find out about IT service issues.

Digital skills training

Access free training, information and guidance to get the IT skills you need.