Amy Stanning

PhD student

Research Overview

Amy Stanning is a second-year PhD student researching the fiscal history of late eighteenth-century Britain. She took her BA in History and her AKC at Kings' College London before beginning a career in finance. Returning to academia, Amy took her MA in International and Military History at Lancaster in 2021, being awarded prizes for her outstanding academic performance and her dissertation. Her research addresses the nature of the 'taxation revolution' of the late-eighteenth century which has for decades appeared a settled problem. Yet there is far more to the funding of the British 'fiscal-military state' than the growth of indirect taxation. The Land Tax contributed at least one fifth of revenues and was a steady and reliable source of funds. How did this happen? How was it that this tax collected by a network of lay collectors continued for so long? Why if it was so successful, was it not increased? What does this enduring tax tell us about the nature of Government and the communities which collected it? These are some of the questions Amy seeks to address.