Meet the Team
Professor Fiona Lobban
I am the Chief Investigator of the Living Library project meaning that I am responsible for the whole research project. I am interested in understanding how and why living libraries could work as a new peer support intervention in mental health
Paul Marshall
I'm looking at how living libraries have been done before and what impact they had on those who took part. I'm also looking to speak to people about their views of living libraries to understand how they can be set up to help people discuss mental health experiences.
Professor Steven Jones
Head of EBCD Workshops
Grace Collins
Grace Collins is an artist and facilitator who works with other people to make things together. They've delivered workshops, tours and talks in art galleries and museums across the country since 2015. Grace supports emerging artists in the north west as Co-ordinator of Short Supply and also delivers peer support training with With-you. They're interested in increasing access to creativity to improve social health.
Lesley Whittaker
I am a mental health nurse who works in the experience and engagement team at Lancashire and south Cumbria NHS FT as a senior matron, facilitating the gathering of stories. My Role in the group is to listen to how experiences are gathered and contribute my story telling experience and link with the Trust for related research work
Chris Lodge
Having lived with mental health diagnoses for many years, I now support the work of the Spectrum centre as a Service User Researcher. My role in the project is to ensure that people's lived experiences are integral to the design considerations for a Library based upon the Human Library concept. I will be reporting how the Lived Experience based involvement has been enabled throughout the project, informed by the views of those involved.
Paul Jebb
My role is helping to support the project and helping to link the project with people with lived experience as well as clinical input
Rose Johnston
Placement Student helping with the Realist Synthesis Workstream
Zoe Glossop
Placement Student involved with the EBCD project workstream