Professor Siobhan Reilly
Visiting ResearcherResearch Overview
Siobhan's background is in applied health and social care research. Her research has been primarily concerned with improving the evidence base for the delivery of health and social care services for people with people with dementia, people with severe mental illness and older people with long term conditions.
She is employed as Professor of Applied Dementia Reserch at the Centre of Applied Dementia Studies, University of Bradford. Her work includes the policy, practice, organisation and delivery of health and social care services, particularly in relation to the integration and coordination of services. Siobhan has worked with a wide network of researchers, health / social care/ third sector decision and policy makers and has experience in leading mixed method health and social care research studies and evaluations using a range of methods. Siobhan has supervised eight PhD students to completion.
Research Interests
Siobhan's research goals are to improve:
- The measurement of appropriate outcome measures for people living with dementia in research and practice
- Society’s understanding of dementia through the use of training.
- The quality of care and the evidence base for the delivery of health and social care services for people with people with dementia and people with severe mental illness.
She has over 30 years of health and social care research experience including academic leadership with both national and international relevance (H-Index = 29). She has recently led two major 5-year mixed method research programmes (Neighbourhoods and dementia: WP3 and WP5) and large components of another 6-year programme of research (NIHR PARTNERS-2).
Current Teaching
Previously (2013-2020) taught on the the core module ‘Systematic reviews and evidence synthesis’ DHR523 and at the PhD Autumn Academies, a core component of the part time distance learning doctoral programmes in Palliative Care, Organisational Health and Well Being, Public Health, and Mental Health.
NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North West Coast
01/10/2019 → 31/03/2026
PARTNERS2: development and pilot trial of primary care based collaborative care for people with serious mental illness (extension to HRA7876)
01/06/2019 → 11/10/2020