Dr Martin Armer

Senior Clinical Lecturer in General Practice

Research Overview

I am responsible for design and delivery of the communication curriculum across the whole MB ChB course, including undergraduate teaching, curriculum design, assessment and faculty development of communication tutors. I am the current Secretary of the UK Council of Clinical Communication.

I am the Director of Year 5 of the MB ChB course and I also lead on undergraduate medical student outgoing electives.

I am Deputy Director of LMS Postgraduate Medical Education programme.

I work alongside colleagues in Organisation and Educational Development’s ATLAS programme as a reviewer for Advance HE (previously Higher Education Academy) Fellowship applications.

I am also a research student with the Department of Education Research, where my interests are feedback, medical education policy, critical discourse analysis and teaching excellence. Outside the medical school I remain a practicing GP.

Arts and Humanities in Higher Education (Journal)
Editorial activity

Teaching in Practice course
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

UK Council of Clinical Communication
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

Rethinking Helath
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

Medical School Council Electives Committee & Conference
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

Best Teaching Poster
Prize (including medals and awards)