Professor Mark Limmer

Professor of Adolescent Public Health, Head of Department

Research Overview

My principle research interests are in adolescence and health related risk taking with a focus on sexual health, pornography and alcohol. I am particularly interested in young men's health and how this intersects with both masculinities and social exclusion to provide a context within which health risk taking takes place. Seeking to understand risk taking in this way enables us to move away from models of individual behaviour change, to a more productive exploration of the social contexts and forces that need to be addressed to bring about large scale changes in health outcomes for young people.

Selected Publications

Halving late diagnosis of HIV: a toolkit for local action
Limmer, M., Lowbury, R. 8/07/2014 MEDFASH. 35 p.
Commissioned report

"I don't shag dirty girls": marginalized masculinities and the use of partner selection as a sexual health risk reduction strategy in heterosexual young men
Limmer, M. 03/2016 In: American Journal of Men's Health. 10, 2, p. 128-140. 13 p.
Journal article

Young men, masculinities and sex education
Limmer, M. 2010 In: Sex Education. 10, 4, p. 349-358. 10 p.
Journal article

Rude, crude and socially unacceptable: the impact of pornography on young men
Limmer, M. 2008 In: Celebrating sex and relationships education. London : National Children's Bureau ISBN: 9781905818495.

"It makes you more up for it": Young people's perspectives on alcohol and sexual health
Redgrave, K., Limmer, M. 2004 Rochdale Teenage Pregnancy Strategy.
Commissioned report

Global LARC Rights Collaborative Research Development Workshop
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

  • Centre for Health Inequalities Research