Dr Caroline Weight
Lecturer in Respiratory Infection and ImmunityResearch Overview
Respiratory pathogens must interact with and negotiate colonisation of the specialised epithelial cells that line the nose. These cells form a protective barrier and contact with pathogens triggers immune responses that lead to production of protective immunity. This process changes with age, environmental factors, and the respiratory microbiome. We use state-of-the-art models and advanced imaging technology to study how interactions of bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae affect the respiratory epithelium.
Current Teaching
BIOL112 - Cell Structure and Function (Module Organiser)
BIOL243 - Medical Microbiology
BIOL334 - New and Emerging Microbial Pathogens
BIOL387(a) - Literature Review and Research Project
BIOL444 - Models of Disease
BIOL469 - MSci Literature Review and Research Project
My Role
Early Career Researcher Training Tutor for BLS
External Roles
ECR Editorial Board Member for Immunotherapy Advances
Co-lead on Respiratory Working Group for ICCARP
The Gut Barrier: Protecting you from Invasion!
Oral presentation
Human Based Models: Stem Cells and Organoids
Invited talk
Advancing technologies and physiologically relevant cell culture models to study complex human respiratory infections
Invited talk
Advancing technologies and physiologically relevant cell culture models to study complex human respiratory infections
Invited talk
Colonisation of Streptococcus pneumoniae in the human nasopharynx
Invited talk
The Gut Barrier: Protecting YOU from invasion!
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar
Liz Jones
Hosting a Non-Academic Visitor
The Gut Barrier: Protecting you from Invasion!
Oral presentation
First responders to Streptococcus pneumoniae colonisation: the role of the human respiratory epithelium
Invited talk
First responders to Streptococcus pneumoniae colonisation: the role of the human respiratory epithelium
Invited talk
Division of Infection and Immunity (External organisation)
Member of Advisory Panel
London Infection Postdoc Network Symposium
Participation in conference - Academic
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Immunotherapy Advances (Journal)
Editorial activity
- Microbes, Pathogens and Immunity