Junior Common Room (JCR)
All students of our college are part of the Junior Common Room (JCR). The JCR Executive (or “Exec”) are the 14 students who are elected by all the JCR to be the voice of the college’s student body. Throughout the course of an academic year, they work to organise charity and social events, including the annual Winter Ball, the ‘Grizedale Big Grill’, the ‘Secret Social’, the Grizzle Quizzle, numerous BBQs, and the Summer Ball.
If you’re looking to organise a Grizedale club or event, get in touch with the JCR Exec, or email Will Harpley, Grizedale College Manager.
Senior Common Room (SCR)
The SCR is made up of members of University staff who are also members of Grizedale College. Some Senior Members have a role in managing the College and form an integral part of College life by working closely with the JCR Exec and by contributing towards the intellectual and social experience of our students. The Principal and College Officers attend Senior Management Team meetings every Monday during term time.
The College is a community in which a large number of people live and work closely together, the Deanery exists to ensure that all members can live, work and study in a safe environment which allows them to make the most of their time at Lancaster University.
College Rules are applicable to all students, whether you live on campus or not. If you experience any difficulties with fellow students please contact one of the College Officers to raise your concerns. Further information can also be found in the .
Alleged breaches of the rules will be investigated by the Deanery who will also decide on any sanctions to be applied. The most serious cases will be dealt with by the University Board of Discipline.
A student is permitted to be accompanied by a fellow student, a representative from the Student Union, the Grizedale CAT or another member of University staff.
Failure to attend a summons without a reason will result in a fine.
The full procedure for the process and for any appeal may be found in the Student Discipline Regulations.
The Deanery would like to make all students aware of fines that will be applied if particular rules in the Residences and University Rules are broken.