Dr Veronique Lane

Lecturer in French Studies and Comparative Literature


I have been teaching French studies and comparative literature, translation, and medical humanities, at Lancaster University since 2017. Prior to Lancaster, I have also taught French and comparative literature as Visiting Assistant Professor at Wesleyan University in the US, and have been awarded a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

At Lancaster, I teach courses on modernism, literature and mental health, and I give final-year translation seminars; I also lecture on the MA in Translation Studies and supervise MA and PhD students, and am a member of the Faculty's Health Hub. I have served as Director of Undergraduate Studies, Convenor of the department’s final-year honour dissertation module, and as Lead Reviewer for the Faculty’s Research Ethics Committee.

I have edited and contributed an introduction and chapter to the very first book theorizing "Literary Back-Translation", with case studies by leading scholars from the US to the UK, France, Italy, Turkey and China (Edinburgh University Press, 2024).

At the intersection of Translation Studies and Medical Humanities, my current research activities include workshops for patients with schizophrenia designed with mental health practicioners in psychiatric institutions, the co-organization of a conference opening a dialogue between mental health practitioners and literary translators, and the publication of my second monograph, Literary Translation and Mental Health: Artaud, Eliot, H.D., Hölderlin, Nerval, Proust and Woolf (also forthcoming from Edinburgh University Press).